Monday 18 April 2011

this and that and not much such

well, plonkers, I failed utterly do any sort of decent film absorption over the weekend. the real world imposed itself on my person via the monumentally overpriced sydney royal easter show (and other incursions). naturally, we elected to go to show on saturday, when it rained from sun-up til sun-down. while at first glance that may sound a foolhardy undertaking it does keep crowds well down. also obviates the need to skulk, vampire-like, from one patch of shade to the next - all the while cursing the insults to one's milky dial. anyway, some random thoughts on easter show insanity ...
  • kids have more fun studying showbag formguide than they have with the contents of same.
  • there are many .... MANY fat peeps in australia. and all of them have double strollers.
  • watching big fellas chop wood remains inexplicably fascinating - to all ages. even in the pouring rain.
  • those tissue thin $2 ponchos are worth their weight in gold (which would amount to about half an ounce, roughly).
  • clydesdales are stunningly large when they suddenly appear right beside 8 year old girls.
  • the foodie pavillion obviates the need to a) take your own, or worse b) buy crap. I believe that in the space of one hour, we ate a sample size of approximately 12 different gourmet delights, and washed them down with around 4 x shiraz samples.
  • despite the above, one rudimentary-of-palate member of the fam (the youngest) still required hot chips.
  • entry into show costs $113 for a family of four. as one woman in front of us in the ticket line said upon being given this information, "fuck that for a joke".
  • country lads tarted up in their best moleskins and rm's still look good enough to eat, even when you're a jaded sophisticate. or imagine you're a jaded sophisticate. either way, yummo.
  • pigs squeal like pigs when picked up.


  1. Ah, your commentary is almost better than being there. Come to think of it, it is better than being there.

    No change from a hunge? Geez, that's crook. And not even any rides included. We swap our show day for a day or 7 at the theme park, courtesy of annual tix. Spin till ya chunder.

    You don't mention the wedding cake display. It's always grand to shuffle by those caged marzipania structures. They look almost too good to eat. In fact, I suspect they are not able be eaten.

    Tell me, is there still that tireless old fireworks announcer? He's been cheering on the red coloured pyrotechnic since I was but a wee fizzer.

    Glad to hear you romped in the hay with a pitched fork. yee haw.

    And what of the Holden Precision Driving Team. Any near misses?

    Go the Bertie Beetle Bag.

  2. my kids eschew rides and all things rides associated, bettles. we've tried steering them encouragingly towards the chunder devices, but they have none of it. just completely disinterested.

    mine like the watching stuff; wood-chopping, car-eating metal monsters, wedding cakes (!), district exhibits (!!), precision driving teams (!!!), similarly aged youngsters showing immense cranky looking angus bulls in the junior handler classes (!!!!), that sort of thing. they're like 70 year olds - apart from the eternal fascination with showbags.

    as for the announcer, I think he met his maker a year or two ago. but yezz, until then he was there every year, rain or shine.
