Tuesday 12 April 2011

BIQ! You found us!

I see your avi over on the right...


  1. Hope you're up for a late night, Queenie. There's a lot of catching up to do!

  2. hahaha!!! Cant someone give me a quick update?

  3. How weird was it when that Unofficial site disappeared? Not that anyone aside from us seemed to be carrying on (semi)coherent conversations, but still....
    I think we had this place up and running in a week or so. Should have done it earlier. Oh the freedom. Its going to our heads.
    In other news...DarthButt says that she's sent cryptic news of this place to Coldy but he's yet to stick his head in. We wait with bated breath....
    How goes it wid u, luvvy?

  4. it was hell weird about unofficial. At least now I have found you all again, so have a random place to rant and babble at.

  5. It was all a bit tricky at first, learning this blogging business. But after a couple of hours, we were old pros.

  6. hi Pebbles! vez noice to see you here, lovey. we missed you and whatsisname a great deal. you'll see we bought that other monkey with us, so we almost have a full house now :D

  7. Hey BIQ! Welcome back!
