Wednesday 13 April 2011

preview (review to come)

picked up "I just want someone to eat cheese with" today. awesome title, you'll agree, and not to be ignored on the strength of that alone. but what made me pick it up as opposed to just stare, is the fact that I'm currently in love with grana padano cheese, and generally love getting all cheese tosser with fellow cheese tossers. so like, I get it!


  1. what is? the cheese, or the movie?

  2. where's the cheese movie? Tell us about the cheese movie. Would it be a good double feature paired with 'Sideways'?

  3. I think (and I only think, since I haven't yet watched the fromage flick) that it'd be the ideal companion piece to sideways, wilms. based purely on the thin hope that it's a buddy road movie, with scenes of the cheese tosser bud spitting articular venom over a bad cheddar, the other announcing "tastes alright to me".
