Monday 4 April 2011

Charlie Sheen!

Wot Scott Dooley reckons Sydney Morning Herald 31.3.2011:

rightio, we got to read it.Except for PRP.
Served it's purpose. SOme venting was had. But that article was cluttering up our pretty blog like a great wad of chewed out flavourless gum that never popped.

If you want to read it again, you'll find it at


  1. do they let that kind of drivler graduate from journalism school these days?
    far out!
    and who edited it?
    no wonder I don't read the newspapers.

  2. p.s. I am so over media interest in American celebrities and full bladdered footballers.

  3. My story - written in the style of Scott (Dools) Dooley.
    One day I went to the beach. It was a hot day and the sun was shining. I saw a shell. It was pretty. Then I had an ice-cream it was chocolate with a flake in the top of it and it was very yummy. Don't you think it would be. Then I saw a seagull wanting to eat a mans chip. Yummy I always like chips especially when I am on the beach on a hot and sunny day. Like it was that day. Then I saw a shape in the water was it a shark. Maybe it was my imadginashun or maybe it was a big shark with sharp teeth zooming in to get me. We will never know because at that moment I heard a dog barking and ran to find a stick to throw for it.

    anuther 15 paragraphs of same.

  4. jeebers h christos!

    get me outta here in a time masheen. I like money.

  5. oh snarky pants, the pair of you.
    Being stoopid is Dooley's schtick.
    He and Sheen are obviously soulmates.
    I admit, I posted this in the hope of the venting of some ten forward bile...I actually prefer this piece to the boring daily Sheen story as vomited out by the mainstream media....

  6. sorry. didn't realise the Doolo was your brother.
