Wednesday 13 April 2011

DVD Review: Sting: Live in Berlin

Beautiful beautiful concert. We were on a high for a week after seeing him at the Music Bowl here in Melbourne. What a songwriter. Please watch this dvd. I'm sharing Moon Over Bourbon St for all you vampires out there...


  1. I do understand that "high" you speak of. I was glowing for 2 weeks after Foo Fighters, and am looking around for the next fix.

    The Splendour line up was announced today, & although there are a few artists I'd be keen to see, there's no-one magnetic enough to entice me to camp in winter with the kind of chaotic weather we've been experiencing this year.

  2. I enjoyed that toob, wilms. I've never been a huge fan of Mr Sting, but dug this jazzy little turn. the setting, the orchestral accompaniment etc. vezz noice.

    hehehe .... sting the vamp :D

  3. @ Betty Daisy: yes, well, we're carting the kids up to Bluesfest next week, so stay tooned for my exitableness upon my return.
    Come down from Brissy for it!
    @ButtDarthy: there are a whole pile of magnifico clips from the Live in Berlin dvd on youtube. Some better than that. But I did think that his vampire song would tickle your fancy...he has one about being a transvestite prostitute as well, which is great..truly!

  4. desperate to hear all about Bluesfest. Make sure you take notes. (& some non-identifying piccys)

  5. vezza jealous of your bluesfesting!

    have a riotous time for the incarcerated, wontcha.
