Tuesday 19 April 2011

telly review - via dvd

'long way down' whilst I've seen everything these two hornbags have ever done on a motorbike, I thought it might be nice to revisit this series. plenty of laughs, as always. there's nothing better for getting in touch with your inner 8 year old boy than being middle aged, possessed of wife and kids, and turned loose with your mates for 3 months. apparently. anyway, this one tracks our heroes' ride from the top of scotland to capetown, SA. scenery, kulcha, camping, swearing, nude swimming, more swearing, etc etc. and as always, while mcgregor is vastly more handsome than boorman, charlie is more attractive on account of his humour and warmth. not that ewan ain't funny and warm, it's just that charlie is more so. a bit of fun, even second time around. 7/10 using telly standards.


  1. was thinking of that very telly thing myself last night, after viewing the suggested "Extract".
    I mean, if it was encountered on random telly flicking, it would be a boon. Not so much so if it is sought out & hired as a 3-dayer.

    Still, there's something to be said for a skinny-dipping Ewan.

  2. indeed!

    I snaffled extract at one buck wed, so no dramaramas. mild entertainment with a coating of madness. I liked the rock boy, especially. also appreciated the Foxy Chick being a bad-un, with no redemption after falling into bed with the hero. you don't see that in your uh-merican fair yewshally.

    yeah, naked ewan is useful. he's a very fine specimen, that one, and seems to get better with age. still, I prefer chuck by a goodly margin. while I like to stare at pics of bewdiful 28 year olds, I spose I actually prefer regular blokes with an intelligent and yumourous twinkle in the eye, chuck boorman style.

  3. I liked bearded Ben, the bartender. A nice change from his usually sensible roles.
    But you know what I was thinking - what if the wife had liked the pool boy - a bit more permanently. Then the hero would have lost both his business and his house. It's a bit similar to stupid stuff I've seen happen in Real Life.
    Consequences! Now there's a subject for a post. Another day.

  4. ah yes, beardy ben. he was a treat in this movie. I didn't even recognise him for first half, so well disguised was he - comedically speaking. such a mercenary !
