Monday 4 April 2011


The washing machine AND dryer are broken. We have no clean tablecloths and the table is covered in crumbs and textas. There are clothes on the couch in the lounge, on the floor in the lounge, piled on our wooden chest in our room, overflowing from the bathroom and I havent seen the floor in the kids room for a week. I spent a fortune today at the laundromat and all I cleared was about 3 lousy baskets. There is laundry from the laundromat drying outside all over our verandah. Kid A wants to change socks three times a day for the fun of it. Toddly keeps making like a boy and coating himself elaborately in mud. We have about 20 wheelbarrows of mulch to be wheelbarrowed down to the kids playground and 2 dozen sleepers to be built into a retaining wall. The sleepers and mulch are all currently in the driveway which means there is no room for the cars. No one will get here to service the washing machine till Thurs. No one wants to service the dryer. We need at least 2 solid kid free weekends to clear all of the stuff from the driveway, and WHATS THE CHANCES OF THAT, ORACLE? HUH?


  1. Cheer up, luvvy. It could be raining to boot.

  2. Then all I can suggest is Hara Kiri.

  3. fuck that for a joke, wilma!

    I feel all stressy just thinking about your glamorous situation ... can only take a mad stab at how you must be enjoying it.

    can granny pitch in with providing kid free weekends?

  4. grany has a medical certificate for the net few months.

  5. send 'em up here. mine will keep them amuserised with tap dances and endless episodes of 'stoked'.
