Monday 29 August 2011

Enjoy your Monday :D

Sunday 28 August 2011

War in the Hills

maccas is currently trying to get themselves a gig up here in the hills, and needless to say there is a large groundswell against it...They've bought the land that two GORGEOUS restaurants currently lease and they're going to knock them down. So we're going to lose the hemp shirts and lentil burgers at Hippy Haven, and the awesome Indian food at Saffron Cottage, in one fell swoop. Just in case ayone was in any doubt about just how insidious that company is, the site is, of course, almost directly outside a primary school. Because when you move to a township near a national park, you want your kids to go to school where they're going to stare at golden arches all day in the playground. Grrrr. I wrote a loooong letter to the council and it took them over a month to respond. Which hopefully means they've been overwhelmed by the complaints...if anyone wants to write a letter of complaint from interstate simply because the whole idea of Maccas infiltrating the hills is so evil, let me know and I'll send you the details.....fight em!

Yes I am still alive

...hello my lovely lovelies, so many days, so little time to blog wid u all! How goes it? Havent read back yet, but will just as soon as I've finished this entry.
So....about a week & a half ago, our computer upstairs really really crashed, maybe for good this time, taking with it the paper I'd been writing to present for work and which had not been saved to a USB stick. Which would have made me quite ill, if I hadnt been ill already- whole fambly has a chunky snotty cough and we seem to keep re infecting each other. Winter is just that one month too long, in my book. So my situation has been that I dont have a computer up in the general childcare area where I spend most of my time; the only internet in the house at the mo is downstairs in the music studio. So I'm currently crouched down here, in between towering stacks of hubby's sheet music, old photos and chairs waiting to be restored, with the heater on full blast because we have adopted 3 baby chickens from Kid A's kinder and they need the heater on. Because they're here too; tucked inconveniently just behind my chair. This is not conducive to regular blogging. Our whole weekly routine seems to be galloping along at a crazy speed and we havent had a final diagnosis on the upstairs computer. And we dont have a chook pen yet either. The chickens and the computer are getting a little muddled in my brain at the mo. Never mind.
Oh yes, the talk for work. Which was always ambitious, but vaguely possible when I had the upstairs computer. I'm about a 2 thirds complete. Need to keep writing, need to get my powerpoint happening. So it's still possible. its just that there's chickens involved now. And now I shall go read what you've all been doing whilst I've been away. Cluck cluck.

Monday 22 August 2011


Have talk to write for work. Have sent toddly off to family day care so I can write, Kid A at kinder.
Feel as if I havent blogged properly here all week, but today is not the to you all...see you on the other side..

Friday 19 August 2011


wanna come over for a chick flick night, girls? there'll be cake ........

the perfect antidote to dud straying marrieds roms

try your best to ignore anna paquin's apalling narration. what were they thinking!

Thursday 18 August 2011

suck eggs!

review, for your sins

yesterday whilst perusing the one buck enjoyments, I thought to my very self "hmmm ... perhaps another bold foray into the land of rom, without the com?". will I never learn? will I? never? for MY sins, "cairo time". patricia clarkson, who specialises in a worried face and angsty middle age, plays opposite that rascally ex-trekker, alex siddiq. long suffering 50 yr old wifey agrees to meet long absent UN social worker type hubby in cairo after his lengthy stint on gaza strip. she arrives, he's late. very .. very late. so late, in fact, that she has time to almost nearly but not quite fall madly in love with the aforemention ex-trekker, who in this role is a former UN colleague of hubby's, now cafe owning egyptian (not bad for a blighty born and raised pakistani derived lad) who wears 'dresses' and smokes a hookah like a pro. what seemed like hours of moody glamour shots of scenery and pyramids and colourful yet inexplicably clean street markets, random inconsequential and never seen again secondary characters, and no fkn resolution! ie, they don't even KISS. where's the pay off in that? 0/10. and not just because she just worriedly dreams of fooling around and doesn't, but because it's an awful, awful movie. possibly some of the worst writing and directing I've seen in ... gee, yonks :D nope, if you want a rom based on straying marrieds, the only way to go is "a walk on the moon", where the pay off is not only all there, but it's paid by viggo. num num, lick lick :p

Monday 15 August 2011

Hey, I'm sick of our pollies...

...and I have nooooo idea what this pommy journo and polly are arguing about....but it's a universal language, innit?

Rear Window

..just one more from awkwaard family so very wonderful... Rear Window

Sunday 14 August 2011

You Must Visit This Website..

Awkward Family I could have watched a dvd tonight; instead, husby and i flicked through this website and larfed till we cried.... 10/10 Saturday Night Specials «
hmmmmmmmmmmm. I clicked share, but it's just posting the link to our blog....stayw ith me whilst I sort it out... or click on the link if you like...

Wednesday 10 August 2011

something to w(h)et your appetite

bear, improved

this week I had the notion that a dose of reality telly might not be amiss. found "man, woman, wild" on the new release tv shelf and thought it too good to be true, in the comedic sense of things. husband and wifey team up and hurl themselves into improbable situations in far flungs, and tough it out for 4 days at time - armed with a knife and not much else. very different stuff to mr grylls, in many ways, but yumourously the same in others. for a start, the dynamics of having two makes it much more interesting to watch, as our heroes bicker, banter and canoodle variously. she's a blonde english lass of rubenesque build, he's an ex special forces medic of native uhmerican extract and ridiculous biceps from kentucky. chalk? cheese? yeppers. both mid-forties, so comfily middle-aged smart arsey, which is noice. seems more 'real time' and natural, and they both make mistakes and drop balls etc. she vomits alot, for some inexplicable reason, and even more inexplicably, they show it full frontal, every time. tasty. he doesn't do any running down mountains and poncing about like mr grylls, but he does do the 'code yellow' narration for much of it - which is annoying. silly, like most survival type shows, but not so silly that I haven't enjoyed every minute of it so far. all in all they're a likeable couple, and it's good to see allegedly tough peeps freak out in perilous sitatuations and/or gag when confronted with something inedible. on the reality telly scale, 9/10.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

new staff at work

Shit, fuck, holy cow! My new assistant it doing my head in. I am constantly silently repeating the serenity prayer just to get through the day with her around. Either someone has to give me a gun (for myself not her) or build me a bigger BRICK wall in my office so that I can smash my head against it!

ponderings from the mount

smaller persons at my house have been workshopping the insy outsy of uhmericas current fiscal woe. it's been an edumacation to evesdrop, I tells ya. #2 has decided it's a result of too much shopping (STOP SHOPPING!), number #1 claims it's not enough. this, I might add, is deeply counter intuitive to the parentals - given #2 loves nothing more than a good hard shop, whereas #1 would sooner poke sticks in his eyes than enter any sort of retail emporium that isn't JB Hifi or an Apple Superstore. any junior theories from north and south?

Monday 8 August 2011

slightly shop-soiled but newish blood

I've bubbled wrapped and express posted a cheery invite to the uhmerican bloke, so let's all wave non-threateningly. waves at gaines. welcome to upside down town. tis moi, butthead. cunningly disguised as a yumourous monty python character :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

Dunno about you lot, but winter's back :(

Icy rain and wind, and I have a sore throat for the occasion.
Kids are very pleased. They can pretend they havent heard me ordering them around.
'No standing on the couch', she whispers.'Dont hit your brother dont bite your sister stop eating the butter stop shaking sultanas all over the floor dont swing on the staircase no you cant have six apples before bed even if they're good for you because they'll give you a stomach ache so put them all back you're big enough to put your own pyjama top on without help the reason we're not making invitations for your birthday party is because its August and your birthday isnt till November thats months away now go back to bed honey I cant do this anymore can you talk to them?????'

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hey, the Blokes seem to be AWOL

???Smokey? Mr Jones?Ou sont vous?
Any ideas,ladies?
Last email from smokey said something like 'in this place where I am, the internet is restricted'
....the mind boggles
Last post directed at me on this site from Jonesy contained the dire warning " I am a wolf in sheeps clothing' or words to that effect.
Then blank.
Ideas for recruitment? We could do with a few more posters.

Jane McKee Johnson Spring Is Bustin' Out All Over

Alright, I'll stop now. My point is, its all very spring like here...

George E. Salazar- June is Busting Out All Over

Bless his little curlers.

June is bustin' out all over - R&H's Carousel 1956

The Weather is doing it to me

this week in boganry

hola, cupcakes. it might not interest you to know that this week I made one my first forays into the world of purchaising recycled clobber online. I've dabbled here and there, but always found vinnies up to speed so never needed to hit the bid button. first up lemme say it's a revelation to see what utter crap some folk try to pass off as useful and desirable, it roolly is. the next kicker is the fact that anything remotely worth having is obsessively bid upon by frenzied and probably ebay-addicted hipsters the country over - thus rendering my position impossible. take the doc martens boots I had an eye on recently. every sally and her feet apparently wants used 8 up docs. no hope! now I've moved on to vintage tooled leather shoulder bags - but they're hotter property than the doc martens, and by the time you actually 'win' one that would otherwise cost $10 at vinnies, you've forked out $50 for the bag and another $15 for shipping. it's for the birds, it really is. but on to my initial point. the sheer weight of ed hardy clobber available for the undiscerning (ie, prepared to wear used clothing - which is normally anathema to your average bogue) bogan. ebay is drowning in the stuff. wtf.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

hoop jumping

anyone have the drum on all these new hoops we have to jump through to find this joint? and still more to post? or, is it just me? :(

Monday 1 August 2011

Meanwhile, it may be winter, but...

Today, the sun is shining as if it's just remembered that highly intelligent early civilisations worshipped it. Gentle balmy, fragrant breezes; the kind you only appreciate after months of icy blasts. Kid A wore one layer less to kinder. To top it all off, the wattle is out and the daffodils and camelias are all doing their thing. It may still be winter, but I'm sensing spring....


I've still got friday on my mind.