Alright, this started as a creative exercise one day because I had a few minutes. It ended up taking on a life of it's own.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful angel who slept like the dead and acted like the devil when she saw fit to. There was something unique about her, but she kept it hidden from the rest of the world around her. Shy around new people, but bold once she knew them she made her way through life by being just who people wanted her to be.
Life wasn't easy, but then no one ever said that it had to be. Mentally she ran circles around her peers and was dedicated, but at night she when back to the place she called home, alone and desolate, wanting nothing more than company.
One night a handsome stranger knocked at her door and asked for her by name. Curiosity made her let him in, but her blood ran ice cold when she realised what she had really done. Beneath his calm presence and dreaming eyes lay a man who had damaged her family beyond repair many a time before. She had been raised to fear this man, to never let him into her life, to never let him into her home because nothing good would come of it, only more heartache.
Sitting down there was nothing more that she could do, he was here now and to try and get him to leave would only make him angrier. Resigned to the fact that what would be would be, she didn't resist his advances. He was death. All that she wanted to do was survive him. Survive his visit and see him leave her alone. Pain flowed through her veins at his touch and sweat dripped down her body at the sheer exertion it took to remain conscious. She wouldn't give in. She needed to win this fight. Time lost its meaning as they waged a war between one another. A lifelong war of Life or Death.
Pushing her body to its limits and beyond she remained true to her heart and soul. Even as he tried to rip her apart from within she resisted his hold. Frustration and shock was evident on his face and he pushed himself just as far as she was pushing to try and get her to submit to him. To give in was something that she had never done and no matter who he was, she was not going to start giving in now. Shaking, her body could no longer measure the pain she felt, instead preferring to stay numb. Her mind went blank, but still she stayed strong inside.
Her body lay motionless on the floor, suspended between life and death. Her soul was the only thing that remained. Her body, once fragile was but a hollow shell. Tears fell from her face. He watched her from his position above and suddenly pulled back. He was death, yet all the time he had been death there was no one who had ever fought so hard against him. She was special. Chest heaving he stood up and walked to the opposite side of the room and sat on the floor. Watching her, waiting for her. Blood ran through her body once more and colour returned to her previously pale skin. Her eyes however remained closed. What had he done?
Life seeped back into her as she regained the use of her body again. She could feel her fingers and toes. Aching all over she kept her eyes closed. Was this what death felt like? Did she really lose the battle for her life? Slow shallow breaths filtered into her lungs and the knowledge that she was alive dawned on her. Gingerly opening her eyes she got her bearings. She was in her home. Her head swayed when she lifted it slightly off of the couch. Falling back down she was alerted to movement off to her right. Who was that? What was that? Black spots floated into her vision as she closed her eyes and willed her body to recover just before she passed out.
Alive. The first one to beat him. The first one that he had not been able to kill. The first to live through his torture. Who was she? Getting up to check on her, she lay motionless on the couch. If it wasn't for her breathing he would have never guessed that she was alive. Making the most of his time here he wandered the room looking around. Noticing a blanket folded in the corner he grabbed it and despite being known for his fearsome side, he draped it over her. She flinched at the contact, but did not wake.
Turning off the light in the room he returns to his spot on the other side of the room. She hasn't only saved herself tonight but saved others that he was supposed to see. He couldn't leave her, not like this. As slices of light from other rooms shone into where they were he remained motionless. Silence enveloped the room. He couldn't sleep, even though he was just as tired as she was. Energy depleted he considered for one last time about leaving and decided against it.
Waiting was the hardest thing to do, but eventually he saw her eyelids flutter just before her eyes opened once more. They shone in the dark. It was an advantage to him sitting in the dark for so long, his eyes were used to it. She slowly rose from the couch, a lot steadier this time. She had yet to see him, but he knew that she realised that she wasn't alone by the way her body tensed. Watching as she slowly turned to face him her face showed none of the fear that he had seen when he first arrived all those hours ago. It had been replaced with a light.
"Why are you here?" Her voice was still weak, but it was solid.
"It was your time."
"Then why am I still alive?" Despite the question she didn't sound confused.
"I don't know. Who are you?" While he on the other hand, unaccustomed to talking to people, was mystified by what was happening
"You already know who I am."
"True. What are you then? How did you do that?"
"I am an angel. I was brought up fearing you, just like everyone else. Faced with you however, I was not ready to die. I am not ready to give it up."
"An Angel? I thought that I had killed the last of your kind years ago." It didn't make sense.
"My mother was the last one before me. You killed her. Before she knew what I would become." A streak of smugness entered her voice. "I am now the last of my kind and you cannot kill me."
Rising from his spot on the floor he walked towards her. His footsteps on the floor the only noise in the room. Standing above her he put on his death mask once more. Lifting his hand to touch her once more, "It doesn't mean that I won't try again."
His touch seared her skin, but didn’t hurt. Instead of pain she felt peace and understanding. She thought about her mother and how even though she didn’t know what she was, she had always insisted that she was special. She wasn’t just an angel, she was more than that. A smile formed on her lips as she watched Death give it his all and fail. Last time she had been caught unaware, but this time she was ready. A light exploded from within her burning his hand where it touched her. Pulling away from her in surprise he stared at her holding his hand. Irritation and pain visible on his face. It was her turn to observe him as she struggled to control himself.
“You are more than just an angel.” He was scared. She was scaring him. It was an unknown feeling for him that took a moment to place. “I don’t know why I was sent here now.”
“Maybe it is time for you to go then.” She motioned for the door in the politest way that she could. If he left, she would never let him return again.
“I will go for now. I need to find out more. If your time is up, I will be back, but only once I know how to kill you.” Resigned to the fact that this was over for the night, he walked away from her and through the door, back into the night that he had come from.
She breathed a sigh of relief as he closed the door behind him. She had won, but was left with more questions than answers. Leaving the room she went in search of her bed. It was the early hours of the morning and she needed sleep before another day of work was upon her.
A new day dawned and looking in the mirror she wished that she could hide the signs of last night under a mask. Her eyes were hollow and her skin still pale, she showered away the muscle tiredness only to have it return when she got dressed. There was not enough coffee in the world for her to drink to make her feel better. Her morality wouldn’t let her call in sick. She wasn’t dying, so she needed to work. Dragging her feet into work she ignored what those around her as they stole glances at her. Continuing without stopping she sat down at a desk. Around her was noiseless as they looked in her direction.
“You look like death Eve. Are you okay?”
The absurdity of what Jen was saying made her smile.
“Trust me when I say that I look nothing like death. That man is way too good looking for his own good.”
Jen’s eyes opened wide as what she had said sunk in. “You met death?” Her voice was shaky.
“Yes. Now can you just keep that to yourself? I need to get through the day.”
She nodded her head, not able to form words and went back to her own desk, leaving Eve to focus on her own thoughts.
When lunch rolled around she snuck out to get something to eat. Everyone had given her a wide berth in the morning and while she was normally quite fun to be around, she was glad to have her space. Walking down the street she was preoccupied and didn’t notice the person walking towards her until she ran into him. The strong firm body against her was an abrupt stop for her, but comforting too, until she looked up into the face of the stranger before her. This was no stranger. Recalling back from him she looked around. No one had a clue who he was. Death was standing before her once more.
“I told you last night, and I will tell you again. It is not my time, not now, not ever. Leave me alone.” The small dose of wrath in her voice surprised even her. Her words however were true. He raised his arms up slightly in a symbol of peace.
“I am not here to harm you. You fascinate me too much for that.”
“Why are you here then?”
“Can we talk?”
“Isn’t that what we are doing now?” She couldn’t help but snipe at him as her patience wore thin.
“In private, away from all these people?”
“No.” One word was all that it took. He had caused her enough pain. She was not going to open herself up to him again. She moved to step around him, but stopped when he grabbed her arm softly.
“Please,” only one word, but it spoke volumes.
“I will think about it.” Nothing more, nothing less. Well it would be less for him. There was no way that he was ever going to get that close to her again. Hell would have to freeze over before that happened.
Storming past him she continued on her way to getting something to eat, leaving him standing in the middle of the footpath. Shaken, there was no way that she could possible hide it from herself. What was it about death that scared but fascinated her? Turning to return back to work he was gone again. Nowhere to be seen. She couldn’t help but be thankful for that. Sitting back at her desk she put on a face for those around her to see. She could and would continue to hide from those around her. The day finished and she was glad to be able to go home again. Walking back outside she looked around. The sun had started its decent below the horizon and turning towards where her car was, she was thankful that she could go home. Sleep was the only thing left on her mind.
He was waiting for her. As she arrived home, he was there. His presence alone was blocking her entry into the house more than his body. Determined not to let him get to her, she walked to the door and watched in surprise as he stepped aside allowing her to pass. She let herself in and closed the door behind her. He could stay out there as long as he liked. There was no reason that she would ever let him walk over the threshold of her house again. Sitting just inside, leaning against the front door she attempted to calm herself back down. Her heart was racing, however it was not from fear, but something else. Something that she could not name, a feeling foreign to her. Too tired to care if he was still out there or not she got up and crawled into bed. Sound asleep she fell and lay until the feeling of someone watching her caused her to wake.
It was dark. The middle of the night. Someone was in her room. As she held her breath, she could hear there’s. Fear trickled through her system as she opened her eyes and sat up. Death was sitting in the corner watching her, waiting for her. His soft voice filled the room. “I don’t need to be let into somewhere just to enter.”
“Just because you are here, doesn’t mean that you can kill me either.” The quick retort rolled off of her tongue before she could stop it.
“I may not be able to yet, but I can still cause you pain.” He rose and for a small moment she wondered if it was going to be a repeat of the night before. “You hide away from people. Even today, after last night you still made people think that you were ok. You were pale and tired but I watched you, you still went to work, still did your job and never once let last night get to you.”
“You watched me?” Eve was no longer confident. How could she have only seen him once?
“I can hide too.” A slight smile formed on his lips and she understood. So many people didn’t see him coming, so of course he had to be hidden from them. He sat down on the bed next to her and a sudden wave of emotion hit her once more. He held the power in the room, no matter what she wished was true, she was realistic enough to know that he made her nervous. Not with fear, but with the unknown capabilities that he had.
Death on the other hand delighted in the look that passed her face when he sat down on the bed beside her. She was an interesting soul. He had been secretly watching her all day. Learning more about her. The more he learnt, the more she fascinated him. An angel, that alone was not what had stopped him, but speaking with his father the night before shed no further light on the subject. He had been punished for his failure the night before and now he had to live with it. No more death until she was dead. A little piece inside of him hurt at the prospect. He liked his job, it suited him. He could be the dark and mysterious one. The one that people fear will come looking for them. It was a solitary position, but it was also one of immense power.
He recalled when he was approached by his father to join the family business. He didn’t really know what he was getting into, but once it was explained it was too late to back out. His first kill had been more than a test, it had been a heartbreak for him. It was the first and only time that he had become upset over killing someone. His mother hadn’t seen it coming and by time she realised what was happening it was too late. He had won and she was gone.
Reaching for the person in front of him it upset him that she pulled back. It was the first time that he had ever really felt lonely. He stopped still, reassessing what he was doing. What did he want from her? He needed to move forward, he needed to get back to what he did. He was death. He didn’t know how to be anything else. Dropping his hand he tilted his head to one side and regarded her with thinly veiled interest.
“Do you know what you are?”
She couldn’t help but laugh quietly. “We went through this last night. I am an angel.”
“But what else are you?”
His question stumped her for a moment. They both knew that she was more, but what exactly, neither of them was sure. There was stillness about the room as the question hung in the air.
“You don’t know, do you?”
“No. I have never had to work it out before.” She hated admitting that especially since he was trying to kill her, but she was beyond caring about death. He was a thorn in her side, one she wanted to rip out and throw away.
“Will you help me work it out?”
“No! You would only use the information to kill me and I told you already, it is not my time. It never will be.” Outrage rang in her voice.
“I promise that I won’t hurt you.” He hated lying, but the alternative for him was to live the rest of his life in purgatory. He couldn’t do that.
“I am sorry that I just don’t believe you.” Her voice was gentle and slightly tired. So much for getting sleep tonight. The clock beside her bed glowed in the corner adding to the limited amount of light in the room. Her eyes were now accustomed to the darkness, but still she sat weary of him. They didn’t call him death for nothing. “Are you going to leave me alone yet?”
“Surely there are others that need to die?” As much as it pained her to think of others dying, it was better them than her.
“Not by my hand, not tonight. I am here and needed nowhere else.”
She sighed, they could go around and round in circles all night, but she needed to rest. Another day of feeling desolate would bring her closer to where he wanted her. “Can I at least sleep?”
“You can do what you like. I am happy to wait for you.”
“Go away and leave me alone then. I will still be here in the morning.”
“And so will I.”
No longer caring what he did, the need for sleep outweighed the need for death to leave. She lay back down in the bed and even as he remained sitting there watching her, she drifted off into a deep sleep. A sleep where her dreams were more like dark nightmares. An imaginary version of hell. Pain and torture ripped her apart from within, but no matter how they tried she still survived. She was reliving death and everything that he had given her.
As he watched her sleep the peaceful look on her face changed. He couldn’t help but wonder what had her looking so terrified. She hadn’t looked that way ever as far as he had seen. Not even when he tried to kill her. Touching her while she slept, he wondered if he could kill her in her sleep. Many before her had been killed in just that way. Pushing himself from within he gave her a jolt of power that was strictly designed to be a quick and effective way of departing from this world. His power however was met with an unknown force that pushed back at him harder, almost pushing him off of the bed. Her face never changed and she never woke. Getting up off the bed his legs were shaking. What was it about her that made him feel so weak? Leaving her room, he wandered the house, searching for someplace to rest away from her. The woman was a temptress and he had to create distance between them, no matter how small it was. The couch where it all started came into view and he lay down there, hoping that with a new day a new idea would come to him so that he could fix this problem.
She had felt his power slowly working its way through her body. Riding the wave of sensation that he created momentarily before pushing him away. Her mind separated from her body and while she had the appearance of someone sleeping, she was preparing for whatever battle death thought that he could wage while she was not awake. It disappointed her that he gave up so quickly. Hearing him walk out of the room and wander through her house she rejoined her body and rest once more. Something telling her that this battle was far from over.
When the sun shone through her bedroom window and woke her she gingerly got out of bed. Her body was nowhere near as tired as it had been and was healing more and more each day. Death was nowhere to be seen and it pleased her that she had some time alone. She was not a morning person and anyone who dared to invade her personal space before she had a chance to have numerous cups of coffee had a death wish themselves. Showering away the last of the fatigue she felt she dressed and returned to her room. Nothing was out of place except for their laying on her bed was a black rose. Death had been here again. His scent lingered in the air no so much as pungent like she had expected, but a subtle smell. Picking up the rose from the bed it looked half dead, however as she held it in her hand it magically seemed to come back to life. Dropping it back down in shock she couldn’t believe what she had seen. It was impossible to think that she could do that. Angels couldn’t do things like that. Her mother certainly couldn’t.
Mum. Emotion filled her as tears formed in her eyes. She missed her so much. There had been so many times that she could wished that she could take back the harsh words that she had said in anger. Her mother had loved her unconditionally and it wasn’t until she was gone that she understood that. Coming home from school she had seen her mum laying on the ground outside. Her back was bloodied and her clothes torn to shreds. Her beautiful wings that she had taken so much care with were a pile of feather across the floor. Stuck in the blood and those that weren’t, were gently lifting away with the breeze. Pain etched into her face showing the last possible thing that she felt.
She hadn’t understood then what it all meant, but she understood now. Her time was up, death had come for her and made her suffer. A single tear rolled down her face at the memory of finding her mother. Wiping it from her face, she wasn’t prepared to let it get to her. In front of the mirror she studied her image. A smile returned to her face as she erased the last traces of her bad night with makeup.
He stood still and silent in the corner just watching her. She was stunning, but what was more surprising than that was the fact that she knew what the black rose meant and she brought it back to life. It would have died in a week. Exactly how long he was giving it, before she was gone too. Any longer than that, and his father had already informed him that his time would be up and he would be gone. It was simple, kill or be killed in return. There was no negotiating with his father. All or nothing and no in between. A week was all that he had to unlock her mystery, a week that would normally seem like an eternity for him no seemed too soon as he watched her and wondered.
Eve didn’t see him at all during the day and for the briefest of moments wondered if her apparent indifference to him the night before was the reason behind it. She wasn’t quite ready to put her guard down just yet. This was death after all. You couldn’t hide from it, but you could try and avoid it as much as you could. Driving home from another long day her mind wandered. He mainly showed himself to her at night. Did that mean that he would be here again tonight? Secretly she hoped that he would be. He was company for her. He kept her thinking and in turn kept her from feeling sorry about herself and being alone. He brought her comfort, which seemed such a weird concept considering who it was, but she couldn’t deny it. Death was a comfort to her, just not the kind of comfort that she could talk about. Mind on autopilot she arrived home. Death wasn’t waiting for her. A pang of regret passed through her and for a split second she wondered what the heck she was thinking. This was death, why did she want him to be around her? Inside everything was as she left it, however the black rose was now on her kitchen table, dying once more. She knew that it was a sign, but there was no way that she was going to give in that easy. Death would have to work out how to get past her without her help. She was not going to make it that easy. Restoring the rose once more to life she placed it back down before settling down on the couch to relax. She didn’t see him appear in the corner until he spoke.
“That rose isn’t meant to live.” His words surprised her. He was standing in the corner, the furthermost one from where she sat. A long dark black coat covered his broad shoulders, his arms were crossed and his face held what he hoped was an imposing glare. It had an effect, but she doubted that it was the effect that he was hoping for. Her heart began to race as she inspected him from head to toe.
“I am not going to let it die either.” Her response stopped him dead in his tracks as he regarded her once more. “What are you doing here again anyway?”
“I told you, I am not leaving until I have done what I came for.”
“And I have told you that I am not going to let that happen. So why not go and do your work elsewhere?”
“I can’t, you are next. Until I finish that, you are my focus.” It was such a civil conversation to be having with death, but it felt normal.
Pushing off of the wall he was learning against, he moved towards her. She pulled something in him. Something that he couldn’t explain. Sitting down next to her he touched her lightly on the arm and was disappointed when she didn’t flinch. Her skin was warm, to his that was cold. Slowly, but not painfully, he tried something new as she continued to sit there looking at where his hand had made contact with her arm. Goosebumps appeared on her skin as he pushed death into her inch by inch. She wouldn’t even feel it.
His touch was so soft that she was shocked, prior to this every time that he had put his hands on her, he had bought her pain. This was so different to that. There was no pain. She considered her place. There was no reason to pull away.
“You know that your hand is cold?” Her mouth spoke the words, but her eyes didn’t look at him, and his hand didn’t move away.
“It is hard to be warm, when you have ice running through your veins.”
“Have you had enough fun for the night trying to kill me yet?”
“I haven’t even tried yet.”
“Come off it, I am not stupid. Please don’t think that I am. There are many ways to kill a person. Your first preference is clearly to inflict pain, but when that doesn’t work, I am sure that there are other ways.”
He pulled his hand away, satisfied that come the morning she would be too weak to protest, too weak to work and too weak to fight his advances.
“I have no idea what you are talking about. Death is death, it doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as the person dies. We all have our specialty. Mine is pain. I don’t do that fluffy lovey dovey crap.” The words unless I have to floated around in his head. He was trying to stay detached, but the more time he spent around her the harder it was becoming. She had to die. There was no denying that. That was the order and he was going to follow it. No one was worth saving.
“Whatever you say. So what now?” He skin slowly heated back up and fatigue started to set in.
“You do whatever you need to. I am just going to be here.”
“I hate that you are here watching my every move. Can’t you just go?”
“Told you before Eve, I can’t, so get used to me being here. I am not leaving till this is over.”
She was frustrated. Couldn’t he just leave her alone? She wanted her space. It was hard to believe that just days before she was aching for company, now she wanted to be left alone.
“This will all be over soon enough and I will go on my way. You know that there are places after this world, don’t you? Just because you leave here, you will have somewhere else to go.”
“I am not going to lose. I like it here and I am staying.” The words came out of her mouth through gritted teeth. “If you think that the next world is so great, go there yourself.” Getting up she stormed out of the room before she did something stupid and headed for her bed. Closing the door behind her to give death no misconceptions about where his place in her life actually was. Sleep came quickly, but with it came chills and nightmares.
A dark and windy path through a dense forest. Something was chasing her, she ran, but didn’t seem to be moving fast enough. Her heart was pounding, her body ached and except for the pale moonlight shining through the dead trees she was blind. Turning to face her unknown follower, there was no one there. Deathly silence surrounded her. What was this place? It didn’t matter which way she turned there was no way out. Fear snaked through her body as she sought a way out of this place. Running again she tripped and fell over the edge of a cliff. Tumbling faster and faster frantically clawing at the side in an effort to get a grip. Darkness enveloped her as she hit the ground.
Eyes wide open she took a few deep breaths, the dream had been vivid and even now she mentally took stock of her body, feeling like she really had just fallen. She was sore, but before she could concentrate further on it she was pulled back under, back into the world of dreams.
He watched her unobtrusively and wondered what was going through her head. Wondered what she was seeing in her mind. She was still resting. Her brief moment awake had her looking alert. More alert than he would have liked to have seen her. She was supposed to be getting weaker instead she seemed just like the same. He resisted the urge to go and touch her again. He needed his strength. Tomorrow this was going to end, one way or the other. Tomorrow she would die.
Stretching she woke, a little stiff and sore, but she could move. Getting up she looked around, death was nowhere to be seen. It had been a long night and while she knew that she had slept, it didn’t feel like she had. Her bones ached from deep within. Standing under a hot shower she tried to wash away the feeling. It woke her up, but the soreness still remained. Dressing in silence she wasn’t surprised to see death appear in the mirror behind her as she applied her makeup.
“Morning, how did you sleep?” Surprise was clear on his face as she spoke.
“The night passed. You on the other hand had an active night. I watched you. What where you dreaming about?”
“None of your business. Going to follow me again today?”
“Maybe, but that is none of your business either.”
“You’re trying to kill me, how is that not my business?” He ignored her and disappeared from her sight. “I know that you are still there. Just because you don’t want to talk to me anymore doesn’t give you the right to disappear.” When he didn’t respond she sighed and continued getting ready for work.
How had that not worked? No one had ever lived from that before. It was Levi’s trademark. He was the one who had taught me how to do that for extreme cases that pain didn’t work for. Sure he had never needed to use it before, but how did it not work on her? He stood there watching her finish getting ready for work and still she showed no sign that she was weak at all. In fact with the makeup on, she looked powerful. More powerful than he felt. Maybe it was time that he spoke with his father again and risk whatever punishment may come his way. His missed her as she breezed out the front door, but for the first time in a few days, he was not going to follow her. It was time to catch up with the family.
While Eve was at work, Death was visiting his brothers one by one on his way to see their father. It wasn’t easy tracking them all down, but he managed it without too many issues at all. It just took time. With each brother he explained the situation and told them what he had tried. None of them could suggest anything more to do. They had never seen anyone withstand death before. Levi suggested his favourite preference for death, but was disappointed to hear that it hadn’t worked. A painless quick death always worked for him. Erik was another brother that was disappointed that his night time touch and die during dreams had not worked. Jordon was a fan of accidental deaths, but that was harder to work out when there was only one person allowed to die. That was why Jordon always got the multiples. Heath suggested poisoning, but it wasn’t effective all the time. Mitchell was the only one who had an idea that might be of use, but to put it into effect it would mean Mitchell doing the job and his father wouldn’t be happy at the suggestion. Each of them had their speciality, they knew all the ways to kill whether they used them or not, but each of them tended to stick with what they were the best at.
In the end he swallowed his pride and sought out his father. The godfather of death. In the years that had passed he had never aged physically. He found his father underground in his favourite dungeon. The walls were black and the corridors were long dark and winding. It was like walking into the deepest depths of hell. He was sitting on an old chair against the wall with papers on the table in front of him.
“Have you completed that last task yet?” Disapproval was clear in his voice at the time that he was taking. Their jobs were to move quickly and fast unless specified. This was not one of those go slow times.
“No yet father. I am still having a few issues.”
“Issues. What is so hard about this task? Kill Eve Adams.” He looked up and his eyes bored into mine.
“She is an angel.”
“I thought that you said you killed the last of them years ago? Don’t tell me you failed back then too.”
“No father. Ava Adams was the one we suspected to be the last of her kind. She didn’t know what Eve was back then.”
“I am still not seeing the issue. You have killed many angels before” Impatience started to filter into his voice.
“She is more than just an angel. She won’t die.”
“How have you tried so far?” His father regarded him with curiosity.
“I have tried all the ways that I know how, including the ways of my brothers and they have not helped either. It is like she is life. The total opposite to what I am.” He knew that it sounded silly, but it had come to him like lightening. There was no other reason that made sense.
“Life, what makes you say that?” His father scoffed.
“Twice I have seen her bring a black rose to life again. She resists death even when she is sleeping. She feels the pain I can inflict, but doesn’t die. It is the only thing that I can think of. How am I supposed to kill life?”
“There is no such possibility. We are death. No one can resist our force.”
“I am telling you that this one can. She won’t die. I don’t think that I am going to be able it kill her within the week, if at all.”
“I have had enough of this.” His voice boomed and echoed throughout the room. “I am going to send Mitchell in to see if he can help you out. Stay out of his way. Be warned though, if he succeeds where you fail, the outcome will still be the same.” Understanding the threat he walked back through the corridors and up to the ground level. Was it wrong that he hoped that his brother failed? If that happened he might not suffer. As the sun hit his skin he felt slightly warmer. It was an unusual feeling considering that he was normally so cold.
Eve hadn’t seen him all day. She wasn’t sure whether to be glad or worried by that fact. From his reaction to her this morning it was clear that the games were stopping and that he was starting to get worried. Sure he had tried to kill her a few times in the last few days, but the smug smile that he had first greeted her with was fading fast as she resisted him.
“Eve what are you up to tonight?” Instantly she snapped out of her daze at the question.
“Nothing planned Jen, just a quiet night.”
“It’s Friday night though. You can’t have a quiet night tonight. How about coming out with me and the girls for a few drinks?”
“I don’t know Jen….” Part of her wished that she could let her hair down, but the other part was scared that death was waiting for this kind of opportunity to strike again.
“Just a few. It won’t kill you. You never know you might meet a nice guy and finally break your drought.”
“Oh alright, just a few.”
A few turned into a lot and before she knew it she was standing in the middle of a dance floor gyrating her hips against some random guy and it was fun. The place was packed and she had lost sight of Jen about an hour earlier. On a normal night she would have gone home, but she had excess energy to burn and was enjoying herself too much to pack it in just yet. Her feet were a little sore in these heels, maybe is she had another drink it would block out the pain. Slowing her movement down she turned to smile at the guy that had been keeping her company for most of the night. Stepping away from him she headed for the bar.
“Bourbon and coke thanks.” The bartender nodded and went to get her drink for her.
“I will pay for this one.” Turning her head she saw her mystery guy from the dance floor next to her. Suddenly she felt very shy. He was taller than her by about a foot, but his height was not imposing. His tanned skin made his blue eyes stand out way too much and his smile, well she had seen glimpses of it before, but nothing like what she was seeing now.
“My name is Mitchell.”
“Eve.” The bartender arrived and her mystery guy paid for her drink.
“I don’t think that I have seen you here before.”
“No my scene normally. I was here with some of the girls from work, but lost them a while ago.”
“Lucky for me then.” Once again he smiled and her skin felt like it was going red. She was attracted to this guy. There was something about his presence that pulled her in.
“I guess so. This is my last drink of the night though. I need to start thinking about heading home.”
“Promise me one more dance before you go?”
“Think that I can manage that.” Swallowing the remaining liquid in her glass she allowed him to lead her back to the dance floor for one last spin.
Right when she was about to leave Mitchell gripped her tightly and planted his lips on hers. The connection was electric. Her head felt instantly light as she was swept along for a ride of sensations.
“I really….” She was silenced by another searing kiss. “….Should go….”
“I could drive you home if you like.” The offer was one that she seriously considered. She had had way too much to drink and wouldn’t drive. The prospect of trying to catch a taxi was not one that she looked forward to though. You only live once, so why not have a little fun.
“That would be great.” She learned in to gently kiss him thanks and was swept away once more.
“We should get out of here. This place is too public for where my thoughts are heading.” She knew exactly what he was referring to with the comment and for once she was not going to overthink it.
Arriving back at her place they barely made it in the door before they were tearing at once another’s clothes in a frantic effort to be skin to skin with each other. His body was toned, more that she had anticipated. It had been a while since she had been so close to a man, more from her choice than anything else. She was just looking for a little bit of fun and if that fun came in the shape and form of a one night stand, she was all for it.
It was like freefalling from the sky. The first orgasm caught her by surprise and before she could recover he had her building again beneath him. Her body was alive with sensations as his hands lazily roamed her body. She was uptight and desperate, she clung to him as he drove deeper and deeper into her. The glorious friction that he was creating sent her out of her mind with a need that she hadn’t known existed. Together they lay there totally spent breathing hard as they tried to recover. He was silent as he lay beside her and she wondered what to do next. There was still a spark in the air and in the afterglow of what had just happened she found herself wanting him again. Turning to face him he was staring at the ceiling, but once he felt her eyes on him he looked at her and raised his eyebrows as if knowing what she was thinking. Reaching for her she was treated to a quick smile before she found herself sitting atop him with his hands roaming over her body once more. Feeling powerful she took what she wanted and they used one another into the early hours of the morning.
She slept silently next to him as he got out of the bed and dressed in the dark. He couldn’t help but be amazed by her. She had an energy about her that he’d never seen before. Sparing her one last glance he walked from the room. Walking down the hall he felt his brother’s presence in the lounge.
“I don’t need to ask how you went, do I. I can hear her heart beating still.” Mitchell looked at him.
“I am satisfied physically, but perplexed mentally. She is amazing, but you already know that don’t you?” There was a look that crossed his face, and he knew what he meant. “Father is not going to be happy.”
“No he isn’t, but maybe I might be spared a little since I am not the only one that can’t kill her.”
They stood there talking while she slept. Mitchell’s specialty was dying in the middle of sex. Dying of excitement for a better word. The fact that he had failed only added to the theory that Eve was life.
“I will come with you to see father tomorrow. He will know by then anyway and is going to want some kind of explanation. It might be a case of safety in numbers.”
“Thank you Mitchell. I will see you then.”
With a nod of his head, Mitchell left, leaving death standing in the middle of the lounge with the knowledge of what had happened down the hall earlier between them. He let her sleep. She would need it after all that exercise. There was no need for him to ruin her night now. In the morning she would regret the night for sure, but for now he was not in the mood to be happy about his temporary win with his father and want to gloat.
The sun was high in the sky when she woke from her sleep. Her throat was parched and her head was pounding, but it was a good feeling as the memories of the night before filtered into her consciousness. It had been a great night. With her eyes still closed she reached out and realised that he was gone. A wave of disappointment crossed her, but disappeared quickly as she realised that it was probably for the better. Now was not a good time for her to be getting involved in a relationship. He had been good in bed though. The memory of it made her smile. How could she have denied herself of the pleasure of a man for so long? Opening her eyes she took a deep breath and got out of bed ready to face the day.
Washing away the night before, she felt revived. All the stress had left her body and she was filled with positivity once more. No matter what the day was going to bring, she looked forward to it. Not bothering with makeup on the weekend she dressed and made herself a cup of coffee. She turned on her computer and sat down in front of it to catch up on the week’s news. She felt like she was being watched and when she turned she saw him, standing in the doorway with a grim look on his face.
“Where did you disappear to yesterday?”
“I was around. Have a nice night?” His voice was tight.
“As a matter of fact I did.”
“My brother thought that you were nice too. He was sorry to leave this morning, but muttered something about having fun.”
It didn’t take long for his words to sink in and her heart dropped at the implication. “Brother….?”
“Yes brother.” He stayed where he was for fear that if he got to close she would lash out physically. He could only imagine what she was feeling. She stared at him blankly as he words sunk in.
“Is he…..” Her voice tapered off. Her good mood was crashing down around her.
“Like me? Yes, Mitchell is an agent of death like me.”
“So last night was what exactly?” He could see the pain on her face even before he spoke.
“Mitchell was sent by the godfather of death as a test.”
“A test! Is that all I am? A god damn puzzle for you all to keep playing with?” Her voice was raised in anger.
“This is bigger than you realise. It needed to be done.”
“Needed to be done? I suppose that you were powerless to stop it?” She didn’t know what to be more hurt by, the fact that she had been so used, or the fact that he knew what was going to happen and didn’t warn her.
“I was given a direct order to stay out of it. We brothers tend not to work together very often, but you…..”
“Brothers? You mean that there are more than just the two of you?”
“Yes. There are five others plus me. Levi, Heath, Jordon, Erik and you have met Mitchell.” There was no point lying to her anymore. He cared more than he should about her and wished that the night before had not happened.
“They all have names. What is yours?”
“I am Alex.”
“Well then Alex, I want answers, and I want them now.”
“I can’t tell them to you. It is not my place to say. Last night…..”
“Last night happened, I wish that it hadn’t but at least now I can say that I have faced death twice and lived.”
“If only you knew.” The words tumbled out of his mouth faster than he could stop them.
“I want to know. Take me to him.” She was staring at him now. The pain was hidden from her face and if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes he would have never known that it had existed.
“Take you to who?”
“Your boss, whoever it is that calls the shots. I want answers.”
“Eve you can’t possibly go there.”
“Just take me will you. It is not like you have an option.”
“I do have an option. I didn’t realise it before, but I have a choice. I want to keep you safe.” She was left speechless by his comment. This coming from death, the person who had been trying for days to kill her? Moments passed as she tried to think of what to say.
“Safe? Why?”
Could he really say the words that she wanted to hear? He thought about what such an admission could do to him. Was he willing to risk everything that he knew for her?
“I think that I care about you.”
Her heart stopped as she stared as he stood before her, not entirely comfortable with his admission. “It still doesn’t change my request. I can’t live with death hanging over my head like this. Please can you just take me?”
“You really have no idea what you are asking of me. You are talking about going to see the Godfather of death. What do you think that you are going to say to him? Leave me alone? It won’t work.” He was becoming agitated at the thought that she so willingly wanting to risk everything to end this.
“I will work it out when I get there.” She was so headstrong. No matter how much he wanted to keep her safe, it was just not going to be an option. If he didn’t take her, she would only look for another way to get there.
“Fine. I was going home today anyway. Get organised, I have to be there in an hour.” He disappeared from her sight, leave her with her thoughts. Death cared about her and wanted to keep her safe? Getting up she contemplated her options while getting ready. Maybe today was a makeup worthy day after all.
What had he done? He left her there alone and sought out Mitchell.
“I am in trouble Mitch, bigger trouble than I know what to do with.” They were sitting on top of a high rise tower looking out at the city around and below them.
“What kind of trouble?”
“I think that I am falling for her.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. I could feel your pain and tension last night when I was with her. I knew then that there was more to the situation than I had been briefed on. Does dad know?”
“Not yet, but he will soon. She managed to convince me to take her with me today to see him.”
“Have you lost your mind? He will kill her himself if he has the chance.” Mitchell’s words were exactly the same as the ones that he had left unspoken.
“There was nothing that I could do. I want to keep her safe, but she is going to make it hard for me if I don’t take her there.”
“What do you need?”
“I need my brothers there today. All of them. Can you get everyone there for me?
“Of course I can do that.”
“Thank you.” He went to walk away when Mitchell called to him one last time.
“She is amazing, if you think that you love her, don’t let her go.”
He wasn’t going to do that ever. He would end his life before he ever tried to end hers again.
She was waiting for him to return. She didn’t know where he had gone, but she was as ready as she was ever going to be. He appeared in the room just before the hour was up and surprised her.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes.” She replied nervously.
“This is how it works. You grip my hand and close your eyes. I transport us to where we need to go. You change your mind once we get there and all that you have to do is say the word and I will bring you straight back here, no questions asked. Understand?” She nodded her head and held out her hand shakily. He gripped it and instantly sparks flew as the connection was made. Moments later they were standing outside what looked to be an abandoned building. His eyes sought out her face and asked the unspoken question.
“Let’s go.” Were the only words that she spoke.
They walked inside and down the same dark stairs that he had walked down many times before. He held her had tightly to steady her as she struggled to remain upright on the wonky steps. At the bottom he let her hand go and together they walked into the open room where his father sat. Mitchell had kept his promise and his brothers were line up on either side of the room.
“Alex” His father acknowledged him as he walked into the room. “Who is this that you have brought with you today?”
Before he could respond her voice rang out in the room. “My name is Eve.”
She assessed her surroundings, looking from one person to another. When her eyes met Mitchell he at least had the decency to look embarrassed. At the end of the room an older man sat looking very commanding. His was just as authorative. “It makes sense. You have caused a bit of a stir these last few days. It isn’t every day that all the brothers to see me at the same time.”
“I wasn’t aware of that. I hope that my presence is not going to get Alex into any further trouble.” Alex stood next to her silent.
“Well that is still to be decided. It guess it depends on what my sons are about to tell me.” He turned to Mitchell, “I see that Alex is not the only failure amongst us. Care to tell me what happened?”
“Father, it wasn’t possible. I can’t explain it. I did everything that I have always done, but still she breaths.” Eve’s thoughts floated back to the night before and she was filled with regret.
“Why are the rest of you here?” She watched the brothers squirm when asked the question by the older man.
“I asked for them to be here father. It was my request.” Alex finally broke his silence and left Eve with more questions than answers.
“You are aware that by bringing her here you are risking a lot. Is she worth it?”
“I think that she is. So much so that I am willing to risk a lot more than you realise.” Eve watched at Alex stared at the imposing man in front of her. “Brothers, I have asked you here for many reasons, but the main one is that I believe that Eve here is life and can resist death. Our father thinks that it is a crazy suggestion.” He paused and looked at Mitchell. “I am not the only one that has tried to kill her this week and every time that someone has tried, they have failed.” Alex and Mitchell seemed to speak to one another without words.
“What Alex says is true. I was with Eve last night, and other than an enjoyable time, she still lives.” Mitchell turned his attention to his remaining brothers. Their faces were blank and showed nothing as to what they may have been thinking.
“Enough of this nonsense. There is no such thing as life.” The voice boomed so loudly that there was no doubt left in Eve’s mind that coming here was a mistake. How could they be so sure of what she was when she didn’t even know herself?
The silence was deafening and was only broken after Alex grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Do you trust me Eve?”
Deep inside she really wanted to, but it felt like a loaded question. What was her trust in him going to cost her? He seemed to trust the others in the room and while she hadn’t been formally introduced to them, she could feel the connections between them. Her words failed her as she thought about what he was asking. With a slight nod of her head she answered.
“Father if you wish to kill her, you are going to have to do it yourself.” The brothers gasped at the proposal and stared at Alex first in shock then her in sympathy. The shortest brother stepped forward. Aside from the eyes, he looked nothing like Alex at all.
“Alex, do you know what you are suggesting?”
“Yes Levi, I know what I am doing. If father succeeds, I will mourn for the rest of my life, but if he fails, I have the chance of being happy.”
“Mitchell was right wasn’t he?”
“Yes my brothers, he was.” Alex was looking at them all as he said the words and they were looking at him. She had no idea what they were talking about, but it wasn’t hard to work out they were talking about her. She was scared. She was taking her life in her own hands and placing it in the hands of someone who wanted to wipe out all traces of her future existence. She could hear the blood pounding between her ears as her heart began to increase in beats. She stared at the man before her. He had not said a work since Alex had suggested the idea. Instead he listened intently to the discussion happening before him.
Then the room went quiet once more and everyone’s eyes turned to him he spoke again. “You are willing to risk more than I gave you credit for.” He reached out and motioned for Eve to move closer to him. She felt compelled to listen to him and move towards him if nothing more than to prove a point. “This shouldn’t take too long my dear. I will try not to hurt you.” As she placed one foot in front of the other moving closer towards her she felt devoid of emotion. If this was the end she could accept it, but not without saying goodbye. She stopped a few feet away from the outstretched hand and turned back to Alex. His fear for what was happening was clearly visible on his face. Her stomach clenched as she wished that it had been him the night before and not Mitchell. “If this is my time, I understand, but first I want to say thank you for showing me how to have fun again and how to live. I don’t envy your job, but I no longer fear it either. I will miss you Alex for no other person could get away with half of what you have done recently and still have me like them like I think that I like you.” Turning to the brothers she continued to speak knowing that if she didn’t say it now, there may not be another chance. “I didn’t get to know you all, but I can feel the connection between you all. Mitchell, will you take care of Alex for me if this is my end?”
“Of course Eve. We all will.” His voice, very sincere.
She couldn’t look back at Alex no matter how hard she wanted to. Tears were already threatening to fall, and one look would send her over the edge. Spinning back around she took the last few paces and gripped the outstretched hand with no further words spoken.
The grip was tight and sent a tingling trickle of fear through her system. There was no pain yet, but she knew that it wouldn’t last. The look of concentration on his face was intense and scared her. The room was quiet and no one was game to say a word. Nothing but her and the man before her existed and even then she had trouble keeping her focus. She wanted to open her mouth to say something, but the power of speech was gone. Her mind, body and soul were being ripped from one another as she struggled to remain standing. Screaming inside she went from feeling nothing to feeling everything. Every tear, every ache and every pain as she felt herself be drained of her energy. Tears formed in her eyes and fell unashamedly down her face. She suffered as she grew weaker. His grip never once easing.
Falling she lost the ability to hold herself up any further. He was totally in control and as he followed her decent to the floor she saw the look of triumph in his eyes. She would not end like this. Not by his hands. Her body lay on the floor in a pool of sweat. It had been pushed to the limits and back and had suffered under the stress. Her mind and soul stood on the outside, watching from the sidelines. They called to one another, her body seeking the strength that it needed to withstand the last whispers of power that coated it from the inside. Joining once more in a last attempt to fight, they bypassed the licks of power and created a power of their own.
Her light against his dark. The triumph on his face was replaced with disbelief as they waged an inner war within her body. Her life or her death. Rising to her feet once more she felt slightly stronger, but knew that it was not enough. She had to try and hold him off. Convince him that she was what Alex believed she was. It was the only way, but first she had to believe it herself. Sweat started to bead on his head as he tried to maintain control of the situation. Time was lost in the focus of what was happening in front of her. Seconds warped into minutes and hours without any warning. They stood in a room facing one another, neither willing to give in and accept what was right in front of them as the truth.
If she was life, this would never end, not unless she wanted it to. Looking deep inside her it was like a flash of light, the understanding of it all, the acceptance. It beat within her in ways that she could no longer deny. Her inner strength pushed her forward and pushed him away from her. Light beamed from her skin as her wings unfurled across her back and spanned outwards in a beauty never seen before by anyone in the room. The older man’s eyes shone in uncertainty, doubting everything that he knew and everything that he had ever been taught in the past. His grip finally loosened on her and she pulled free at last. Stepping back she struggled for breath. She was weak and as her wings came around her in comfort she lost the ability to stand again and slowly fell to the ground.
Watching Eve battle his father tore at Alex. Even as his brothers surrounded him in comfort he felt hollow inside. Together that had stood for hours just watching, silently wondering when it was going to end. None of them daring to speak throughout the exchange. He could feel his brother’s warmth as they tried to offer him support. What had he been thinking when he offered her to his father? Torn apart inside he tried to remain strong, tried to remember that this was the only way, but to see her there in front of him alone and vulnerable it scared him as he thought that he would lose her forever.
He was awed when he saw her wings break free of her clothes and expand. It was something that in all his time of killing the angels in the past, he had never seen them use it as a weapon. They seemed to make Eve stronger and the simple beauty of them dumbfounded his brothers just as much as him. Breaking free of his father Alex felt his heart soar. She had won. She had done what no one before her had managed to do. She had beaten his father. He took a step toward her to let her know that he was there only to have to watch as she wrapped herself in her wings and fell to the ground.
Running now towards her, he managed to catch her just before she hit the ground. Her eyes were closed and the pain on her face was visible. Placing her gently on the ground he focused solely on her. Her breathing was shallow and even as he was looking for the rise and fall of her chest he was frantic at the fact that she might be dead after all. The brothers watched the exchange between Alex and Eve before turning their attention to their father who too was also on the ground. Torn between who to go to they split their force and as Mitchell and Levi went to Alex, Heath, Erik and Jordon knelt beside their father.
“Alex, take her home. Be with her and help her heal. We can deal with this all later.” Mitchell’s words broke through his subconscious. He felt Levi’s hand on his shoulder, supporting him, guiding him to rise to his feet.
“Are you strong enough to take her yourself or do you want my help?”
“I will be fine Levi. Thank you all for today. Will you tell the others?”
“They know already, but I will pass on your words.”
Nodding his head he reached down and picked up Eve. She lay lifeless in his arms as he focused his energy and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he was in her room. It was dark outside which served to remind him how long they had been with his father. She still had not stirred. He placed her gently down on the bed, covering her with a blanket before her scrubbed his hands over his face and fought back tears of emotion. He was tired, but didn’t want to leave her alone. Warring within himself at what to do, he did the one thing that came unnaturally to him. He lay down in the bed with her. Comforting her as she slept. Holding her tight against his body to keep her warm and safe. Eventually his eyes closed and he succumbed to sleep.
He woke still holding her. It had been a long night and even though he had closed his eyes and slept, he still was exhausted. Eve’s wings were still wrapped around her, cocooning her with warmth and protection. Her face was pale and even with her eyes closed she still dark circles around them. Easing away from her Alex got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash his face. He hoped that the task would make him feel more awake than he currently was. The cold water on his face was refreshing, but didn’t stop him from stifling a yawn. Eve had yet to move and it concerned him. He needed to see that she was alright. He needed to see that things were going to be okay. Stepping back into the bedroom he took a seat beside her bed. Until she woke, he wasn’t going to leave her side.
“Has she woken at all yet?” Mitchell’s words startled Alex as he had been drifting asleep again and hadn’t heard him enter the room.
“No” he softly replied.
Mitchell sat down beside him and didn’t say a word. Together they waited, not once talking about what had happened. Slowly through the day each of Alex’s brothers came and went, each staying for a while to support him. Still she didn’t move. A few times he had gone over to her to make sure that she was still breathing. She still looked so fragile and broken. He would move around the room, but wouldn’t leave it.
The sun was setting, sending orange bands of light through the room. They shone over Eve and bathed her in light. Her wings fluttered around her body and slowly started to retract back to their normal resting position. Her eyes still remained close, but it was a start.
A sign of hope that she was going to be ok. He sat motionless just keeping a vigil at her bedside. As darkness set in outside, the room was thrown into darkness with only a slight amount of light from outside shining in. Fatigue began to set in as he patiently waited for her to wake. Eventually he was not able to hold out any longer and he joined her again on the bed, bringing her close to him once more. Shutting his eyes he breathed in her scent and drifted off to sleep.
She woke in the early hours of the morning, groggy and nauseous. She could feel arms wrapped around her and the heat of another body pressed against hers. Carefully she slipped out of their grip and slowly headed to the bathroom. Light headedness made it had for her to remain standing. Her eyesight wavered as stars danced in front of her. Blackness was falling upon her again and as she lowered herself down to the ground in front of the toilet she tried to remain conscious. Grabbing the toilet set, she rested her head on the edge of the bowl and when she gave in, the lights went out again as she passed out.
The bed was cool beside him when he woke and opening his eyes with a start he realised that she was not next to him anymore. Frantically he got out of bed and started to look for her. Walking past the bathroom the door was open and he saw her. Leaning up against the wall with her head resting on the toilet bowl. Her eyes were closed and her face showed just how weak the body was. Scooping her up again into his arms he carried her once more to the bed and placed her back down. Her eyes fluttered at the movement, but remained closed. He was starting to worry, but had no idea what exactly he was meant to do to help her.
“Has she woken yet?” Mitchell’s words shattered the air.
“Yes, she woke when I was sleeping this morning. I found her in the bathroom with her eyes closed though. I am not sure if she fell asleep there or passed out.”
“I see her wings have gone again. I am going to take that as a good sign for her. She will be fine.”
“I am still worried though. It has been too long.”
“Don’t worry. She will wake when she can.” Mitchell’s words comforted him slightly. “Father has requested your presence though when she is awake. He just wants to talk to you both.”
“He is up and moving already?”
“Yes, the same night in fact.”
“Tell him that we will come when she is up and strong enough to make the trip.”
“I will. Make sure that you eat. I will talk to you tomorrow.” Alex watched as Mitchell disappeared from the room and went back to his own home.
He continued to sit by the bed just watching. It was tiring, but it was exactly where he needed to be. It was late afternoon before she moved again in the bed. He got up and stood beside the bed in the hopes that she would open her eyes and see him standing there, waiting for her.
She felt like she was not alone. Slowly stretching she felt every muscle pain in her body. Opening her eyes the room was getting dark. She looked up and there he was. Alex. She tried to get up. Her throat was dry and she needed a drink badly. Alex sat down on the bed beside her and stopped her from moving too far. “Say here. You are still weak.”
“Water” her voice sounded soft and scratchy. Alex rose immediately and left the room. She could hear him making his way around the kitchen before he found a glass. Carefully she sat up and rested against the bed and wall. When he came back he sat beside her once move on the bed. She drank it slowly and took the time to look around. The clock shone a time, but she still had no idea how long she had slept for. Her mind was fuzzy. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I am just glad that you are awake again.” As he said the words she felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. He looked shocking. Actually he looked like.... laughter bubbled up inside of her and escaped her mouth. It filled the air with noise and had him looking at her intently. “What is so funny?”
“You look like death.” She couldn’t stop the giggles of laughter.
Alex shrugged “You would look like death too if you had been watching over someone’s bedside for almost two days hoping that they would wake.” There was no malice in his words, only honesty and it stopped her dead.
“Two days?”
The words hung in the air between them, so did what he was not saying. There were so many questions floating through her mind.
“What happened to your father, is he alright?”
“He is fine, up and making demands already.”
“What does he want now? I hope that it is not my head on a platter still as that isn’t happening.”
“He wants to see us both when you are awake and up for it.”
“Let’s go now then.”
“Not now. Later. You still need to rest.”
“You need to get some sleep too then Alex.”
“Later, first you need to eat. Do you think that you can walk to the kitchen?”
“Only one way to find out. Can you help me up?” He held her hands as she got to her feet. She was surprisingly steady given that she had been in bed for so long. “You must be hungry too if you haven’t left my side.”
“I have eaten. My brother’s forced me to eat when they were here.”
“Your brother’s have been here?” She stopped in mind step and looked at him. Immediately he recognised his mistake.
“Yes. They came to check on us both. I am sorry. If you don’t want them to return, they won’t.” A fresh worry filtered into his voice.
“They are welcome any time that they like, provided that they are not trying to kill me. I have had enough of that this week. Anyway, it doesn’t surprise me that they would check on you. What little I saw of them, I can see that you are all close in one way or another.”
Relief flooded his face and he was left behind as she continued toward the kitchen. It was only something simple. Toast and water. She didn’t think that she would have been able to stomach more than that. She felt another wave of tiredness hit her and yawning, she watched Alex do the same.
“Let’s head back to bed.” She rose and left her dishes on the table. Slowly she headed back to her room. She sensed that Alex was following her. Climbing into bed she looked up as he stood in the doorway. “Are you coming to lay down or what?”
“You don’t want me there.”
“You have no idea what I want.”
“I should go. Let you rest. Goodnight Eve. I will come over tomorrow and check on you again.” He turned to leave.
“Stay” The room was silent. Turning back toward her he looked at her face. “Stay and keep me safe.”
He stepped toward the bed and stood once more, seeking her face for an answer to the question he hadn’t asked. She regarded him with curiosity, unsure if he knew how much she wanted him there with her. He gently climbed into bed and lay beside her. The body heat between them and the electricity in the air was distracting, but as she moved closer and she felt his strong arms grip her in a hug, she felt nothing more than safety and warmth. It was those feelings that had both of them drifting off to sleep once more.
The sun was up when she woke, still safe and cocooned in Alex’s arms. All of a sudden it hit her and she was jumping out of bed looking for the phone. How could she have forgotten? “Oh my god. Oh my god” Alex stirred and watched her frantically looking for something.
“What’s wrong?”
“Work, I am supposed to be at work.”
He closed his eyes and put his head back on the pillow. “They think that you have a family emergency and have given you the week off. Don’t worry.” He was already back asleep as she looked at him, ready to ask him questions. Sighing at the fact that she was now fully awake she went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Sitting down in front of the TV she relaxed and caught up on the morning news.
The smell of coffee had him waking once more. Getting out of bed, he followed the scent to the kitchen, where a coffee pot was hot and ready for him to drink. Pouring a cup he could hear the TV on and went to investigate. Eve was sitting on the couch watching the news. He sat beside her and she leaned into him. It felt foreign to him, this whole domestic feel to things.
“I want to go and see your father today.” It was not a request but a demand.
“He can wait.”
“I want this over with. I want to be able to live my life. Are you going to take me there, or do I have to try and contact one of your brothers?”
“I will take you.” He didn’t like it one bit, but he wasn’t going to send her there alone.
“Fine I will go and get ready then.”
She dressed and wondered what was really happening. She was falling for death and while she trusted him with her life, she was scared about what it meant. For so long she had guarded her heart from people, in fear of what it would mean to her when they left. Now she was opening her heart up to the one person who at some point wanted to see her dead. Fear rippled through her blood as she considered that she was about to face his father for the second time. He gave new meaning to the saying in laws from hell. She tried not to judge him for the pain that he had caused her when they last met, but it was all that she could see when she thought of him. Her heart beat faster as she tried to stay calm. Looking at herself in the mirror she still looked pale, but she also looked worse than she felt. Deep inside, no matter how scared she was, she still felt stronger. Whatever was about to happen, could happen. She was a big girl and could handle it.
Alex was waiting for her in the lounge. Exactly where she had left him. He stood when she walked into the room. “Are you sure about this?”
“Not really, but I don’t have a choice. It needs to be done.” Understanding was visible in his eyes. He felt the same way.
“Do you remember how it works?”
She nodded and walked toward him holding out her hand. The moment that he grasped it, she shut her eyes and held on for the ride. When it felt like ground was beneath them again she opened them. They were outside the same building as before. A flash of terror flashed through her system, but then she looked at Alex and felt calm. She trusted him and trusted that he would keep her safe. They walked inside and feelings of déjà vu came upon her as she struggled to remain standing walking down the stairs.
The room opened before her and once again Alex’s father was on the other side of the room. All the brothers were once again in attendance, flanking their father as he sat. She could feel the tension in the room and even Alex had slightly stiffened by her side at the sight before him.
“Father” he acknowledged with a nod of his head.
“I am glad that you both could make it.”
“You made the command, I am here.”
“In the last few days your brothers and I have done a lot of talking. We have disagreed on a lot of points, but we have agreed overall on one point.” His tone and demeanour scared Eve. She sensed an ambush coming and couldn’t help wondering if it was going to be a good or a bad thing. She just wanted it to be over. She wanted her life back.
“What did you work out in my absence?” Bitterness and betrayal was clear in his voice.
“Alex, you were always the one son that could have gone either way. You were the one who troubled me the most when it came to welcoming you into the family. You were the one that I had to test the hardest.” He paused, letting Alex absorb the words and there meaning. It explained so much. Especially since he was the only one that had to kill their mother. “You do a great job, but now you have fallen in love and you have me reconsidering your role within the business.”
“I don’t want you leave. I want to still work.”
“You don’t deny that you are in love with her?”
“What is the point, you all know it. The only person in the room that probably doesn’t is Eve, but that is not her problem. We are talking about me here at the moment.” His words shocked her. He was in love with her? When did that happen?
“You brother’s and I are at odds on what to do here. My thoughts are that you call it a day. I free you from your responsibilities here and you can go on to leave a normal life. Your brothers disagree with me.”
“I disagree with you too father. Nothing has changed for me in regards to my work. I can and still will do my job.” He was not going to give it up without a fight. This was his life. It was all that he had ever known.
“This is where it will become complex then. Alex after the other day, I believe you. Eve is what you say she is. There is no other explanation. She is life.” His admission was not as joyous as he had hoped that it would be for he could hear the, but lingering in the air. Eve stood there listening to what they were saying. Not all of it made sense to her, but she understood enough to understand the basics. “But how will that work if you are death?”
The question did more than hang in the air, it surrounded them and suffocated Alex as he thought beyond his heart and realised that his father was right. “You are right, it won’t work. I hadn’t thought that far.” His shoulders slumped as he resigned to the thought that his father was right once again. For once it would be nice to be right. The satisfaction that he was right about Eve was overshadowed by his feelings for her and the pain that he knew that he would eventually cause her.
“Then my son you have a choice to make.”
“Wait, don’t I get any say here?” Eve’s voice reverberated around the room. The time for staying quiet had passed and now she knew that she too had to fight for what she wanted. She was no longer intimidated by the man in front of her.
“You have something that you want to add?” Alex’s father acknowledged her presence for the first time. He openly regarded her with a tone that invited her insight.
“Yes I do.” She looked around the room, starting with his father and moving towards each of the brothers in turn. “He loves me. I didn’t know that before today, but I know it now. I don’t know what exactly I feel right now, but I know that I trust Alex more than I thought that I could ever trust anyone. I want the chance to work out how I feel. I want the chance to explore what might be between us.” She looked into his eyes and hoped that he understood what that meant to her. “Why can’t we be together?”
“There is no precedence for it.”
“Until a few days ago you didn’t even believe that I existed.”
“And now I know what you are, I need to protect my family, my sons.”
“I am willing to have rules set in place.” She hated having to plead, but it was not beneath her to try.
“Rules, what kind of rules?” One of the brothers spoke up for the first time. He stepped forward and she had no idea which one it was. This one in the last meeting had stayed quiet the whole time.
“I can promise not to interfere with your work provided that you stop trying to kill me. Heck I won’t even bother if you want to come and visit Alex. It would also be nice if you maybe cut Alex’s workload a little so that we can spend time together.”
“When you say ‘your work’ do you mean all of us?” He asked in clarification.
“Yes. I can accept what you do, provided that you can accept me.”
“Do you think that it could work Alex? Are you willing to risk everything for her?” He turned his attention from Eve to his brother and stared at him trying to work out what was true.
“Yes Heath I do think that it could. Like Eve, I want the option to at least try.” Alex turned to his father “If it doesn’t work we can try something else. I want the chance.”
His father turned to his brothers and they huddled in tight conversation leaving Alex and Eve wondering what was going to happen. Their fate was being left to the agents of death, and Eve didn’t know if that was going to work for or against them. Alex gripped her hand and gave it a squeeze. It reassured her slightly that he was still there beside her. When they turned back to look at them all the faces were passive and showed nothing of what their decision was. A few beats of silence filled the room before Alex’s father spoke, directing his comments to Alex.
“Alright, you can have your chance. Eve is not to interfere in your work and I will ease you back into your job in a few weeks. Take a break and work out if this is really what you want.” He disappeared from view. It was the end of discussion and his brothers moved forward towards them. They stopped a few paces from where Alex and Eve stood.
“Eve I would like you to meet my brother’s.” He motioned to each of them individually, “This is Heath, Erik, Levi and Jordon and you have already met Mitchell.”
“Nice to finally meet you. I am sure that I will be seeing more of you in the future.”