Sunday 1 May 2011

No mind is an island

Howdy folks, long time no chat! Hope everyone had a Merry Easter! Thought for the day: People create a map of their environment in their mind, after a while of living in the same environment, the environment is, in a sense, a part of the person's mind. Therefore, today's thought for the day concerns how much of the 'external' world is part of a person's mind?


  1. hmmmm
    I'll claim the sunrise and sunset.
    I take no responsibility for the parking inspectors, tho.

  2. What is a mind?

    Is it the brain which can be medically analysed & dissected? Or the layer of thoughts, which are more abstract & harder to detail?

  3. this is a question I'd be pleased to put to mr oscar wilde-in-the-pants. he'd have a stonking answer, I feel sure.

    oh yeah ... hiya smokey :D

  4. There was an interesting experiment on Mythbusters last night, where they hot wired someone's brain to test various grey theories.
    Some knob at our place kept flicking to Futurama, so I didn't catch the results, but I'm sure they would have been sehr interessant.
