middle-aged brains, according to studies just published, are the best brains of our lives. specifically, betwixt the ages of 40 and 60. I have nothing to say on the matter - neatly putting the lie to the science :D. the topic does, however, push my purpose a nudge closer to ... fops!
while it's true that many a moderne youngster has harboured a yearning for austeny romance in an empire line frock, I've noticed a slow wending of my fellow woacas t'wards same - though they appear to arrive by a different route (or root). there is SOMETHING, defying all feminine logic (!) that dictates our preference for blokey he-blokes, fatally attractive about a man in full regency clobber and a lush pair of mutton chops. does it tie in with the crossing of that border between "most of it ahead" and "most of it behind"? the time when history becomes bigger and more real than future? certainly, the interest in classical music, literature, furnishings, houses, politics, etc seems to step up several notches in the middling years, at least as far as my social circle is concerned. either way, the rootability of a strapping great mr darcy (NOT colin firth, who is entirely unrootable) can't be denied. and if the aforementioned antique rootery involves the ripping of an empire line bodice, period furnishings and a string quartet, all the better!
which itself leads me to the next topic ... renos. now normally we'd contract another round of rejigs in the summer months, but we managed to forget all about it this year - handily retaining our pesos for alternative insults. still, here we are today, contemplating another hideously expensive manipulation of the casa. had our chippy in last night to talk through the insy outsy of things .. and he's now gorn off to work out how much he can fat up the quote. anyhoo, the idea is to further torque the 1950's weatherboard bungalow t'wards a pared down version of a turn of century model. new and differently shaped colourbond roof (conveniently also improves position of solar panels), replacing last few remaining aluminium windows with timber, adding another room, and extending front verandah around corner and down one side. will involve roof removal, obviously, but we'll do that bit last - and not before spring! might add another fireplace, too. one of those built-in slow combustion types so I can have a chimney breast and mantelpiece at last :p
bringing me, finally, to autumn! how good is this season? I love it so much it hurts. sparkling crystalline mornings, swishing through the crunchy leaves, admiring the jewel colours of the japanese maples, being able to do stuff outdoors all day long if I see fit, vegie garden abundance, yada yada. happiness!
1. Are middle aged brains the best? really?
ReplyDeleteBut what about all those peeps with younger brains and monstrously good memories? I grant you, if I knew how to use my brain when I was younger the way I know how to use it now, I'd be...still me, I suppose, but with a few less metaphorical car crashes and mebbe a leetle more cash and career...
2. I've always been a Jane Austen fan. And had an eye for more portly gents. But I do like your theory, darthy...
3. Your renos sound verra exciting, darthypops. Photys? Anonymous ones possible?
4. Re Autumn: oh yes, verily it is a beautiful beautiful season.....as you know, t'is now chestunt season for me.Love your love of it!
Congrats, yon middle aged person, for that segue of thoughts so neatly penned. I'd disagree with the brainiacness increasing, but. I don't know if it's the amount of multi-tasking currently on plate, or the excessive underage drinking, but I'm sure I couldn't replicate my high school results if the tests were placed in front of me today. Not that they were any statement of actual intelligence.
ReplyDeleteAs for Jane - groan - too much shovelled down in senior schooling gave me a distinct intolerance for those high society nuances.
Renos - I'm sworn off them. Especially when roof removal is required. They just don't make tarpaulins like they used to.
Top of 24 today in Brissy, but needed a cardy in the air-cond SFM.
well apparently, despite our conclusive and groundbreaking triple blind study of three, it's true! our brains, while not necessarily being as remembery as when we were ... say, smokey's age (hiya prpeeps), are sharper in ways which compensate for their maleability of yore. however it works, soak it up lovies! lord it over all those halfwitted under 40's and over 60's !!
ReplyDeletethe foppy ploppy autumn leaves
and austen gives our betty peeves
no empire frocks
her sfm rocks
but a cardy her deep chill relieves
A limerick!
ReplyDeleteNow that's a new page we surely need...
@ wilmsworth
ReplyDeletetrying to conjure how I might transmit reno before and afters to ya without, you know, giving the game away!
suffice to say, at this juncture, we've done several rounds of rejigs to the inside, but zip to the outside (apart from back deck). thought it was time we matched the outside to the inside. ftr, since we're using mainly recycled materials, chippy won't get his hands dirty sourcing it all - it's down to moi :/. ergo I might be busy as blazes in the next month or two.