Monday 9 May 2011

Decision making at the Highest Levels...was sent by email...if I knew who to credit I would..


  1. snorffles with snorffles on top !

    I'm sending to every chick I know, right this instant :D

  2. That Beatrice! What Was she thinking?

    I received a similar email (since recycled) where the central sphere was filled with various icons - the magic mirror face from Shrek being one.

  3. on that .. vaguely .. GNW had mr bin larder watching paul mcmonkey on that Ultra Modern remote controlled telly ... happily commenting on same to the nearest missus. twas cute!

    but no so cute that the general position of GNW panelists wasn't made plain in the meantime.

    incidentally, betts, I didn't stick around to see rusty brand's chinwag with the little monkey. did you catch it? he's always bluddy funny in interviews ... much better at that stuff than flicks, imho.

  4. no telly at all last night.
    there was maths homework to tick, Flat Stanley to listen to, an extratesticular pickup, a Tooly to fob off, invoices to write, dishes to wash, & an assignment to lodge by the stroke of 12.

  5. ...yes, someone sent us several piccies.
    I liked the one of the bone coloured teletubby with this hat especially.
    But since no one in the blog had covered the wedding, the assassination or the Hat, I thought I'd introduce all three at once..

  6. I thought we'd done well not to mention the war, speaking of which. but happy that sole reference to date is mockery :D

  7. That would definitely facilitate better decision making. have they been reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective people?
