Friday 27 May 2011

and this is my fave. dated but delish. audio only cause they hardly made any vids .. poo!


  1. We should make a video! I'll bring the alfoil hats.

  2. hehehe you're on!

    ahhh ... what a loverly way to spend a cool rainy friday arvo. listening to the toons of one's late yooth :)

  3. it's sunny here - speaking of weather -

  4. noice for the warm lovers :)

    I've been out in the veg patch so appreciate the overcast, rain-inclined (in mm) weather.

  5. We've had a glorious Autumn. Tops of 23 most days, which, behind glass, is luverly. On the down side, we've had a helluva lot (that's a technical rain gaugers term) of rain. The lawn is positively squelchy, and the local sporting grounds, all constructed on the lowest lying areas of the village, have been transformed into quagmires.

  6. Love it. Never listened to them much in the nineties; I was more grungy guitar stuff than electronic- but it makes me want to wear more makeup and move back to a warehouse in Fitzroy. Except I think they've converted all of the warehouses and everyone there has a day job these days....

  7. ditto here, wilms. more into early grunge at this particoola junction, but discovered 440 mid 90's and just adored their kooky brand of prog rock. all that synthed theramin and 60's candy sounds overlaid with hardarse guitar and heavy drums. not to mention the odd rap! and of course, the space themes are roight up my sidestreet :D
