Monday 30 May 2011


has anyone seen the BBC production? I know it's a bit long in the tooth now, but I've only just discovered it .... and it's DELICIOUS! such madness, such dialogue, surreal and dark nonsense, such ... suchness! Mr Peake was one funny monkey :D


  1. never caught it, darty, but I love the clip! Can it be hired out? Did they replay it on the abc or sumfink? Looks right up my alley..

  2. it's well up the alleys of folk who like their surrealism on the dark and gothic and dusty (you'll get what I mean by dusty when you watch it), wilms!

    I borrowed from library, but don't recall ever having seen it in a vid store, nor on the telly. must have been on ABC at some point, I spose.
