Silently in the distance you could just make out two men riding ponies towards you along the sand dressed in white suits ad matching broad rimmed hats. It was an unusual sight, even in summer on the North West Passage. Behind you was the commotion of carnival time of the tiny fishing village of Cambridge Bay. German, French and Japanese sand artists competed with locals along the foreshore. A clown rode in and out of their fantastic creations on a unicycle and children watched on in stunned amazement.
It was Pedro and Miguel coming close towards you along the beach, feet occasionally skimming the surface of the sandy beach. It certainly wasn't the Costa Brava or the Cote D'Azure.

"Mon Amigo, I can't believe it", said Miguel, the cold air condensing the words as they left his mouth.
"What can't you believe mon amigo?"
"Es ist zwei Mexicaner" a German sand artist remarked to the nubile local girl he'd picked up at the bar the night before.
"Hehehehe" she giggled, as the French team noticed the German wasn't looking and kicked his sand sculpture.
"It's so cold for Summer, Pedro. I can not even feel my fing-gers any more."
"We'll get a warm room for the night. This town is very hospitable. Sarah comes here with here children for summer holidays."
The sound of Cliff Richard singing "Summer Holiday" warbled out of the public address system echoing along the foreshore. There were even some children here from Canberra, Australia, refugees from some crazy test the government runs to assess their national literacy and numeracy. The were dressed very well in their Osh Kosh and Kiddy Klein clothes, obviously not part of the hoi polloi.

"That's OK, Bethanie Jane, If you have a sleep after din dins tonight, I will chaperone you and your sister to that scrumpteous girls concert."
"Oh thank you mumsie!" exclaimed Bethanie Jane and Stephanie Anne in harmonious unison.
"Oh, what beautiful young girls", observed Miguel nostalgically taking the reins of Pinto while Pedro dismounted.
"Did she say Lady Gaga's playing tonight?"
"Yes, sir!" said Bethanie Jane excitedly. "Straight after Sarah Palin's opening ceremony for the Tea Party!"
"Oh don't mind the girls."
"Oh no, madam, they are so sweet."
"What timing Miguel."
"I think you should forget about them Pedro. You know what happened with last time."
"Oh, it will be different this time, Miguel. This time I'm going to ask Sarah to elope with me."
"Elope? But senor, the ponies. Who will look after Pinto and Punto, Pedro?"

The seagulls ate chips that Bethanie Jane and her sister through for them. Mumsie was busy with her Facebook account and replying to text messages from her RSVP account. There was a strange stillness in the air...
Oh. HERE is the lastest episode of Pedro & Miguel. Was wondering when they'd rock up.....goodie.
ReplyDeleteI now have Cliff Richard's Summer Holiday going round and round my brain like a soundworm. !!!!!
fully sick, maaate!
I love how the ponies managed to paddle across the Pacific. Once again, all topics converged into a spicy & succint story. We're going to have to come up with some trickier challenges for next week...
ReplyDeleteIt can only get worse from here. I have a thing about ponies.
ReplyDeletetee hee.
ReplyDeleteBring it on.