Saturday 19 November 2011

She's Done it Again

Sis' has made a cakey for Dad's birthday on Sundee:

Phantom. Ghost Who Walks. Man Who Cannot Die. Which is kind of fitting, if you knew my father's health dramas of the past 12 months. Dont ask. But he's still here. Let us eat cake.


  1. That's sensational! Is it licorice for the outlines? I DID enjoy Billy Zane in the movie version of the comic strip. Does your dad look anything like him?

  2. jiminy, no. Nothing like Mr Zane. And if i had to name a cartoon character that reminded me of my dear old Pa, it'd be Fred Flintstone.. btw, yes, the outlines were licorice. And the grandkids didnt get any, despite their begging...

  3. is she in this cake biz professionally, wilms?

    if not, I think she missed her calling :)

  4. Nah, she's a professional opera singer by trade....or was till last bubby- does more teaching these days- sure she'll gig again at some point...if she doesnt take up professional cake decorating instead....
