Monday 28 November 2011

Aria Awards 2011

...anyone watch em? I hear they were on Go.
I didnt
Here are my thorts anyways:
- Boy & Bear: i only know who they are because Betty posted one of their vids here. Which means: a)I'm now officially an old fart and i just dont know whats happening in music anymore; b) Betty is this blog's It Girl, reader of the tides, etc etc; or c) both

- Altiyan Childs won highest selling album: the state of album sales in this country must be pucked

- I read somewhere that they've only just inducted Wiggles into the Hall of Fame this year. What were they waiting for. And Wiggles won Kids Album or Dvd or something for Ukelele Baby. Which was well deserved; it's a permanent fave here at home. Played a lot more often than Boy and Bear or Altiyan, I can tell you.


  1. ta.
    my new Foruming name - Tide Reader.
    I saw a nanosecond of the Kylie speech, which was totes dull, and flicked off. Triple J played the highlights today - sans adverts.

  2. Betty is clearly the IT girl here as I had no idea who the Puck they were talking about when they recapped the aria's on the news tonight.

    And what the heck gives with the winner of highest selling Album of the year.... surely we in australia have better that!

  3. I only heard tell of arias after the fact. the triple J loving chippies currently cluttering up my house were waxing happy about it this morning. commented on lack of commerciality. altiyan notwithstanding.

  4. sound like my kind of chippies.
    send me a jpeg
