Tuesday 8 November 2011

Ray Martin Q&A

I happened to stumble across the season finale of Q&A last night, literally, I tripped over my television power cord and my 70 inch television screen fell onto my stomach, pinning me down with the screen facing me... I won't bore you with the details of my miraculous escape, using a concoction of a doomsday device, fireworks, and the phenomenon of magnetic polarity... but getting back to the topic at hand Ray Martin was on Q&A last night, and because (IMO) he used to host a show that was catered to DUOF (Dried Up Old Farts) I thought he was a very right wing conservative guy. It turns out he is the only Australian on Australian television who I have ever seen (the parts that I have watched anyway) quote Hunter S Thompson! He seemed like an alright kinda bloke. As a result my respect for Ray Martin went through the roof, just before my television did (On a side note my respect for Ray Martin did not travel back in time and fall before Constantine in 312, yet my television screen did).


  1. Confirmation of the long-held suspicion that telly is no good for your health. But back to Ray - who'd have thought it? Then again, he was an ABC journo back in the old days when journalism wasn't about the Kardashians...

  2. AND it was the ABC. home of thinking pinkos.

    but even still, I just can't consolidate the hairpiece with hunter s.

  3. hmmmm.
    I have a dvd of Ray Martin attacking John Safran for going through his garbage, in which Ray and his wife promise to destroy Safrans career.
    Glad you made it out alive, Smokey...

  4. @Wilms - That is the normal behaviour for a person having their rubbish poked and prodded, I cannot recall the amount of times I have made the same threat!
