Tuesday 8 November 2011

anyone for summer?

if so, you can have my helping. we're utterly over it and it's not december yet. abject misery here .... what feels like 100% humidity and above 30 degrees. same yesterday, and day before, and day before that. standing still is an effort. all you can do is mope around in a darkened house and will those newly planted natives at the western boundary to grow rool fast - while perving lasciviously at pictures of snow and browsing real estate in taswegia. harrumph


  1. Which state again is that?? NSW? If so, I am going to be in heaven when I arrive next week.... NOT

  2. Have fun in NSW; if I wanted to I could go to NSW and back in less than half an hour. In fact, if I were possessed to do so, I could urinate in the ACT and NSW simultaneously.

  3. hahaha! Just don't get caught urinating in public

  4. perfect weather for leaving babes in cars. what are these people thinking???
