Wednesday 2 November 2011

Ghost Stories for Halloween

As Toddly would say....'Carey......'
Been meaning to plop a ghost story entry down all week.
What've we got, folks?
I'll start with:

- 3 years ago, when Kid A was 2, I was working in an aged care facility. I was at home after work, having a cuppa with friends Sarah and Mel, when Kid A walked into the room. 'Mummy', she says, frowning, 'I dont like that grandma'.
Mel, Sarah and I look at each other. 'These arent grandmas, darling', i say.
'Not them! The grandma! Over there!' She points to the doorway. The empty doorway....
'How long's she been there, darling?' I ask
'She came home from work with you' says Kid A.



  1. :o



    that's a beauty, wilms. outta the mouths of dead grandma seeing babes!

  2. So what did you do with the invisible Gran? Did you take her back to the fogies home next shift? Or is she still in your doorway?
