Friday 9 September 2011

Where is she?

Darthy? Whachha doing? Where's those hot men you post on Fridays? You eloped with one? Do we need to stalk you via email? Did you disappear when SHS returned because you're really one and the same???? Anyone heard from her?


  1. Yeah Darthie and I have been the asme person for three years now. Darthie invented me to fight crime anonymously on Internet Forums.

  2. hahaheee! I love the idea of smokey and I being one and the same. happened recently at that other joint, too. the one full of dumbdumbs and raving righties :D. hey gainsey, know you're lurking!

    actually I was flailing around under a pile up of snotty kids home from school, assignments, restorations (not to the throne), juggling toolies (for current round of renos), mid week socials, and campaigning for the rev fred nile.
