Tuesday 13 September 2011

cartoons and fatosity

did yooz avail yourselves of the current too-do re: cartoon characters applied to the externals of dud breakfast cereals? apparently, right thinking fibrous types want them bant on account of they make kiddies eat crap, and subsequently grow to immense proportions. pardon my ignoramousness, but surely 4 year olds haven't started doing the weekly shop? I know kids are growing up fast these days, but isn't that pushing the barrow a little too far out onto the autobahn? the last time I checked, mummy was buying the breakfast cereal. so it must be mums who are, lemming-like, drawn irrevocably t'wards boxes adorned with cartoon characters. in which case, shut up! until the angsters actually have the testiculars to stand up and say it out loud "PARENTS MAKE KIDS FAT", our poor youngens are going to be clobbered as eedyots. no child is an idiot, but plenty of parentals are. there, that's better :D


  1. It is just a few people gone mad with paranoia and power trying to ruin life for the rest of us with whatever fear mongering that is this week's "prerogative" (I learnt this word from Brittney Spears). These douche-bags invariably get air time during Prime Time news, usually on those days when the news cannot find any doom and destruction to instill fear into the common people - you know those days - when Sandra Sully falls asleep during the Channel Ten broadcast and starts kicking the air like a sleeping dog whilst muttering about Clairol hair colour. These News items make out that their message is of some importance to the rest of humanity, but in reality they are just hyperbole packaged as shite re-marketed as poison and sold to the masses as "caring".

    Sorry for the rant, I love cartoon characters and hate when people try to fuck with them, cartoon characters should be on everything!

  2. no, but yeah.
    That Toucan on the Froot Loops wasnt ever going to convince me they were any good. Sugar on sugar. Liked the Toucan tho. Keen on the toys in the boxes. But i'd been praised for not having a sweet tooth and I liked veggies too much to be fooled. Parents make kids fat..or thinnish....tis true...

  3. And we have that 7th dayer, Dr. Kellog, to thank for all of this. Thank goodness those cornflakes stopped all the nutters from masturbating.

  4. By the by, did you know that cornflakes contain 645mg of salt per 100g, whereas potato chips only contain 562mg / 100g?

  5. I think we can safely assume (back to the topic on hand) that all parents are indeed idiots. I'd like to see sugar loops bant altogether in the name of domestic peace.

  6. I personally believe that the person who decided to put the first cartoon character on a box of cereal should win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

  7. HE's probably a public relations person (note - there is no way it would be a "she")

  8. well exactly, smokey. cartoon characters are not idiots, either. blaming it on the kids and the monkeys ....

    say, betty, if cornflakes have sodium maximus, why aren't they salty? I need to eat one right now and test this!

  9. The smartest people I know are cartoon characters

  10. Corn Flakes aren't salty because the salt is on the inside. Without the salt, they'd taste like cardboard. The salt is on the outside of potato chips, which is why they taste saltier.

  11. My God, Daisy Chain. thanks for the enlightenment. I am forever grateful to you.

  12. changing the world - one Flake at a time.

  13. Jonesy:
    it was WORTH IT, I tell you.
    WORTH IT, to appear from self imposed retirement, for one bright shining moment, just to comment ont his thread......
    Where's Pedro?
    And how are ya? :P

  14. he rematerialised on account of the inner salt.

    wassup jonesy?
