Monday 5 September 2011

Conan in 3D

After Conan the Barbarian (the classic film with Arnie) I wondered where they could go with a re-make. Surely the depths of Conan's character were well and truly explored in the first film (i.e. why there was not too much left to explore in the sequel - Conan the Destroyer). What dimension of Conan's character was left to explore in the Conan the Barbarian remake? The third dimension. The third dimension makes it possible to re-make all the classic 2D character movies into a 3D extravaganza! I want the Popeye movie remade...


  1. ...Rambo remade 3D....
    ...Out of Africa remade 3D....
    ..The Hours remade I'm being silly :p

  2. Why do they remake anything? The rule should be that a re-make has to be better than the original to even consider it. So there's no point re-making a cracker of a movie. Likewise, there's no point re-making a dud.
    Take Charlie and the Chocloate Factory. The original was bonza - imaginative sets, quirky cast, & a true interpretation of the book. Why remake it? Sure the Deppster was fine, and the re-make equalled the first - But it didn't better it.

  3. I think Hollywood are just tired of trying to think of new things to make and are going to just re-hash prior popular movies in 3D. They have already completed the market survey with the 2D version.

  4. please - not Rebel without a Cause.

  5. They are making a remake of Rebel with that Vampire dude (dude = person rather than dude = camel's wang), it could be in 3D...? Personally I think the emo-chick from the Vampire movies should have got with the other bloke... the one with the wolf powers.

  6. just so long as Glee doesn't do Rebel.

  7. see the advert for Spy Kids in 4D - smellocinema? I jest not.

  8. That's a bit hardcore, imagine a re-make of Dogma and the 'shit daemon' (not played by Matt Damon)

  9. imagine the shit hitting the fan in "Flying High"

  10. They should make that scene in 5-D and have one of the ushers allow crap to spit out of the air conditioning units

  11. I want to see Mr. Creosote in 5D. Just one more tiny wafer thin after dinner mint...
