Sunday 25 September 2011

I had SUCH A ROCK STAR CRUSH on this man ... when I watch this I'm just irritated that his backing vocalist Helen Terry gets so little screen time because she makes the song...


  1. Boy George featured on a song which made top 10 of last years hottest 100. Mark Ronson & the business Int - "somebody to love me". Until then, I thought of him more as a gimmick than a singer.

  2. oh but he had such a glorious voice, bettles! and so did helen terry :p

  3. oh no, daisy betty, as darthy says, his voice was pure white soul and it was fabulous. Absolutely one of the first singers I ever heard and decided to buy on the strength of his voice. Then when I got the album and realised that he was doing his makeup and clothes just as I wanted to, well, it was all over....

  4. gorjust pipes, our georgie. just gorjus :D
