Tuesday 27 September 2011

Bruised body and pride

Well the story would be much more entertaining if I had a good reason not to be able to sit down, but alas it is my own silly fault. Took a fall last night and now I have bruised pride (who at my age can say that in the space of 2 weeks can fall twice and injure themselves WITHOUT being drunk?) and have a great deal of body pain to add to the mix. Love it how the doc calls it "soft tissue damage." It is a bruise..... back of the hip and bum. Hence the lack of being able to sit down or get comfortable. At least my knee has healed from where I fell up the stairs last week. Hope that everyone else is fairing better than me health-wise. I am indulging in a pity party here for being so silly, and hating the fact that I have to stay home from work for a few days. Would be so much easier if I could work from home.


  1. a pity party you say?
    I'll bring the sausage rolls.

  2. Now that sounds like a plan..... I will make the fairy bread

  3. ouch.
    I too have fallen up the stairs in the past.
    No one is nearly as concerned when one announces 'I fell up the stairs'. People tend to giggle at the idea. And yet it can be just as painful.
    Speedy recovery BIQ!xxx
