Friday 23 September 2011

Beauty and the Geek

I watched Beauty and the Geek last night... but let me waffle on about something else for a bit... people may enjoy some porn every now and then, but it is not the plot of the porn that is the attraction. For the most part a plot line to a porn movie is insubstantial relative to the rooting. Thus, a plot line of the average porn is usually as substantial as; a person from one walk of life, meets a person from another walk of life at a highly improbable destination, and like in some warped Brechtian fantasy, when the heat gets turned up, some weird eighties music starts from sources unknown... Which brings me back to Beauty and the Geek, the person who wrote Beauty and the Geek, obviously has ancestry within the porn industry; some weird looking guys, meet some dolled up tarts, and together they do some weird shit in an isolated mansion. The only thing missing is the rooting... and the weird eighties music which accompanies the rooting... Is that the attraction to the show? Do people watch it, fully Pavlovian conditioned in knowing that when strangers meet in a strange place some rooting will ensue. Thus they sit in front of the television, like well trained dachshunds, with one hand poised over their groin in anticipation of some spanking? The show obviously does not have any plot or point that I can tell, did I miss something?


  1. hmm. no plot. no dialogue. lots of stereotyping. booby shots. It could well be a porno in the making. But where's the pizza delivery boy?

  2. when strangers meet in a strange place, eighties music will ensue before any rooting does. and pizza will ensue after the first two ensuements, complete with boy.

    I met a strange person once, in a strange place. depeche mode's iconic sunshiny hit 'just can't get enough' started playing almost instantaneously. but then depeche mode has been proven, in quadruple blind studies, to lower libido, so that explains that.

  3. you missed nothink, smokey, nothink.
    However, there are a few additional points I wish to point:
    1. In the cuppla episodes of Beauty and the Geek I had the misfortune to to catch last year, there was a fair bit of spa pashing. Which was a lot closer to the porn rooting you have referred to than the opening episode of the other night
    2. Have you ever had the strange experience of Brett Micheals Rock of Love? Or the US series 'The Bachelor'? Or 'The Bachelorette'? I only ask because rooting does indeed occur in those shows, then the aforesaid Brett Micheals, Bachelor or Bachelorette get to choose between their two or three roots as to their fave, leaving the others weeping in humiliation at having been outed as dud roots on international television. So in terms of the Australian Beauty and the Geek, its only a matter of time. So hang in there if its what you want to see.....

  4. sounds sordid. I hope Mythbusters doesn't go down this road... could you imagine it?

  5. I'd go jamie. that bald pate, that pornstache, that gravelly manvoice .... num num ...
