Thursday 1 September 2011

anyone seen this? I LOVE LOVE LOVED it. sublime!


  1. First I've heard of it Darthy, but looks good.
    Firthy's getting some decent gigs, isnt he?

  2. Haven't seen it - but it looks interesting.
    Might have to hire it out.

  3. it's tremendously - dare one say pretentiously - high art, circa early 60's. sleeker than a sleek cat, and moody as all get out. I just lapped it up like the aforementioned pussoire, I did!

    bearing in mind it ain't a comedy. it's about grief, and the resolution of same. not sad sack, or tissue consuming at all - but still not funny. actually it's quite uplifting, as the story follows the eponymous single man's (firthy) awakening from deep deep grief, and highlights the Small Things that wake us up. gor-fucking-jus!

  4. Yes, like from the era when Sir Les ran the Arts Council. not the wankers we have these days. Wouldn't know a film from a flim flam.

  5. gday Jonesy!
    what's floating your boat these days?

  6. Hi, just taking it easy after having told the law department were to stick their law department. Actually, lovely day today. How are you?

  7. Don't let them get the better of you, Jonesy.
