Tuesday 5 July 2011

winter of our discontentacles

salutations, monkeys. nudey alaska runs have me thinking! we've been installed here for 6.5 years now, and I do believe we've finally aclimatised. you might think "well that's a relief for old incontinentia in the long johns department", but you'd be wrong. what's actually happened is that with every winter, we become more and more like hardened addicts - we need colder and colder temps to actually feel cold. this little probby has become more apparent since returning from our bogantrip. we were SO cold for the duration that the temps here seem almost balmy. it's almost as though that was winter and now it's spring. we're all of us getting about in less clothing these days, and only donning scarves and beanies for the sub-zed mornings. not sure what the answer is other than tassie - which seems a bit toooo drastic. maybe sub-alpine victoria? alpine nsw? probably just as drastic as tass but without the boat. nz? alaska?


  1. funny you should mention darthy; was ruminating along similar lines on Monday when I headed a cuppla minutes up the hill to Sassafras to buy goodies from their nursery...passed all manner of tourists wrapped in winter woolies, when here I was in my top and jeans- left the coat in the car- chappie who runs the nursery stared at me in disbelief. Didnt feel a thing. Would have been shivering like a big wuss a few years ago...

  2. it does happen, dunnit! I'd always imagined it was the province of those who affect immunity to cold and blokey outdoorsies, but surprises ahoy it happens to lily livered girlies too :D

    speaking of which, any snow up your end thus far?

  3. Have you two seen someone about this worrying delight in self-harm?
    Folks in this corner of the world board up the house & hunker in for the evening after 4pm when the silver drops under 20"

  4. ...no snow this weekend that we could find. We tried 4 townships. We found sleet, though. Great big icy wet blobby drops of it, all over our windscreen whilst searching for the fluffy white stuff. Miserable stuff, windy sleety fog. Felt like someone had teleported us to an Irish peat bog or something.
    May have had snow on the tippy top of Mt Dandy....

  5. ...Oh yeah. Tisnt the weekend yet. On holidays, feels like a weekend...a sleety, freezy, foggy weekend...

  6. Did I miss something? Sleet? I love sleet. Oh, I can here Pedro and Miguel calling me. I think they're stuck somewhere on the North West Shelf of the Himalayas.

  7. You love sleet? I bet you're really Tony Robinson. All this regret for old fashioned soap making and love of sleet. So very Baldrick

  8. ps, yes, where are Pedro and Miguel?
