Thursday 28 July 2011


Oh me oh my I am in HEAVEN! We finally have rain that feels like winter over on my side of the country. Thunder, lightening, storms and RAIN! Talk about being in a winter wonderland!


  1. lucky schmuckems :D

    on that, did you hear that on wednesday night it got down to -16c at Charlotte Pass? I reeled around the lounge room dancing a jig of glee on hearing that. kids were asking me what that felt like and it was SO hard to explain super coldness to kids who haven't experienced anything below -5.. I said it feels like life! ie, you know it could kill you in an instant if you were to swan about in a bikini (or boardshorts, kid# pointed out), and the fact you're enduring is deeply life affirming. the sharp and intense hyperawareness of your every molecule just adds to thrill. right before you slip into hypothermia :D

  2. I have been waiting for some decent winter weather all season!!! This sunshine sucks!!!

    I didn't hear about Charlotte Pass..... that is sure cold weather

  3. you lot are nuts!
    I like my ice in a glass.

  4. Nuts, bonkers, breakout the anti psychotic drugs and lace up the straight jacket insane! Just the way I like it!

  5. I like to be slapped in the face with the icey palm of jack frost when exiting the cosy confines of a building, BIQ. That alone, is probably the thing I miss most when winter has gorn north and left satan's breath in its place. The bewdiful clean sharpness .... sigh .....

    our forwenting of the snowfields this year is transpiring to be a bad move, clearly. compounded by the relentless parading of snowbunnikins on the telly day in and day out. rubbing it in hard, as it were.

  6. yes, I love a decent rain.....had plenty of it this past year. Buckets and buckets. And I love it still...
    You can have Charlotte Pass tho Darthy.
    Few years ago, we were in Austria over Christmas. Minus 7 degrees in Vienna. I felt as if my eyelids were going to freeze to my eyeballs every time I walked outside. We had to catch taxis to get a couple of blocks across town. There is such a thing as TOO cold.
