Monday 11 July 2011

DVD review: All the King's Men (1949)

In the olden days, like in the 1940s, nice simple people with convictions who became politicians became corrupt. Golly, how things change....This is a terrific film, made a few years after the end of WW2 with more than a few passing references to the evils of totalitarian politics, etc etc. I think it was made a little before Frank Hardy wrote Power Without Glory but it could easily be the companion volume, if you were looking for continuity of theme in your dvd viewing and book reading... I hear there were a few Oscars involved, well deserved....I also hear that there's a 2006 remake to avoid, so I shall. But go find the original.


  1. I'm a bit over politics this week. Jules is allover the press again today.

  2. isnt she just!
    Watched her in the boxing ring on QandA last night. Thts all the attention she's getting from me. Am determinedly avoiding all newspapers, but when I was up at our local cafe the last cuppla mornings I couldnt help but notice how shrill the News Limited headlines are becoming.

  3. There are staged boxing matches at our local shopping centres. Gawd how I hate politics. The issues are lost in the bickering.
