Monday 25 July 2011

the girl who played with ni-nighs

yep. it put me to sleep. don't think I even got to the half way point, in fact. was a poorly (hurriedly?) put together episode of 'law & order for clog wogs', with gratuitous lezzie love, a brunetter and older mike nyquvist, and the formerly awesome looking lisbeth now resembling a skanky heroin addicted hooker. crap. 3/10. the three points just for not being uhmerica.


  1. yeah, not as good as no. 1. We stayed with it, tho. No. 3 is better. NONE of them as good as the books, which maintain their marvellousness.

  2. hang on - who was complaining about the lack of homoerotica just last week?

  3. ha! well that's just it bettles. less of the lezzy love and more of the manlove. I'll always hold it against a flick if they give me the one without the other. fairs fair :D
