Wednesday 27 July 2011

having said that, this is one of my all time fave eurovision moments

nup, it's my all time favourite on second thought. the crazy eyes, the unco leg action, the latvinglish. ahhhh eurovision, we love you :D


  1. he is a cutie though, despite the mentalness :p

  2. hey hey hey :D
    what year was that? I would have remembered that clip for all of the right reasons if I'd seen it before.
    With leg action like that, if that dude lived in Australia, he could join the ALP and become Minister for the Environment.

  3. It's the white trousers & shiny shirt that do it for me!

  4. not the crazy eyes?

    it was 2000, btw, wilms, and I'll never forget it. I almost died of wonderfulness on the night. this act was like a gift from the europop gods :D
