Saturday 10 December 2011

website review: Scambaiting sites!

I'm an old fashioned gal. The scambaiting sites have probably been around for at least a decade. You lot are probably all au fait with them. I've only discovered them this week, tho...

So. Basic idea is that there are folk out there with time on their hands, who actually answer the scamming emails from Nigerians seeking help transferring funds/bequeathing deceased estates/winning lotteries and all the rest of it. Did you realise that those scams are still generating millions of dollars? (one account I read stated that it's still a $12 million industry). I get lots of em in my spam box and delete them. But there are scam baiters out there, replying to the scammers, stringing them along, and some of them are very funny.

Fave highlights for me:

The Julia Ngume letters on :
this thread comes with a warning, eg dont open it at work, as there are topless photos and some obscene language. But very funny- scambaiter poses as several characters, including Reverend Stu Pidass and his secretary Potty Latrine, who eventually murders the Rev and emails the scammers that she's coming over with his cash. The baiter actually convinces the scammers to pierce their nipples for them and send photos. Had me laughing out loud.

This website was set up in 2002 and still updates every month with new scambaiting threads. Many faves here....baiters convincing scammers to post THEM cash, promising to arrive at airports then sending journos to take photos of scammers waiting at airports in South Africa, holding up placards for 'Rev Wally Tightnuts'...very funny

I do feel a little sorry for the scammers, even if they are managing $12 million a year. Some of them are very easily tricked and their grasp of english isnt too good. A lot of the scam baiters take full advantage of the pidgin english/cultural differences to insult the scammers in every way possible, leading to scammers sending threats such as 'I will use my African Juju to Kill you There in Your Country'and "I will set my village herbalist onto you'. I'm giggling, but sitting here in my airconditioned house with running water, a fully stocked kitchen, a car, mp3 player, dvd and tv....seems a bit mean to spend too much energy laughing at desperate folk who arent very bright.

But it's still a bit funny. And it's still worth a read occasionally. Dont think I'll ever become a scambaiter tho. Not unless i find someone scamming for electrolytes and dipping sauces.


  1. Love to see a bit of mischief re-bounded.

  2. no pity here, neither :D

    and from this day hence, these will be my preferred threats when the kiddies misbehave. "I will use my African juju to kill you there in your country" , and "I will set my village herbalist onto you".

    thnx for a tuesday chortle, wilmsical :)
