Tuesday 6 December 2011

I may be stating the bleeding obvious, and I'm not religious, but Christ....

There's no Christ in Christmas anymore, is there?
I needed a little Christmas ornament for work. Holy family/nativity theme, thinking maybe a snowglobe or somesuch, hardy enough for little kids to look at and handle whilst a group of em sing Silent Night.

I went to EVERY $2 Shop in the Nongys and the closest shopping complexes in Knox and Boronia. Targets, Kmarts galore. Lots of Santa, lots of snowmen, plenty of reindeer ears for the taking.
I found ducks with santa hats; I found Hippos sitting on stacks of gifts, but Baby Jesus just musnt be a big seller, because he was noooowhere to be seen.

Eventually I googled and it took me about 15 minutes to find a store about 20 minutes away that stocked little ceramic nativity ornaments, just right for putting on a tree or letting kids handle. So I drove there. Gracious me. Did you know that there are christian megastores out there? The place was full of holy sh*t, only a small portion of it Christmas related....

Feeling chatty, I told the chappie behind the counter about my encounters with festive zoo creatures in Santa hats, etc etc. he glared at me and said in a loud evangelical tone 'well, this is a Christian store. You wont find any of that here' (you could hear the italics). So I fled before he asked me to repent. But I got my Chrissy ornament. (And he got my money.) All is calm, all is bright :p


  1. put me down for 2 candles and a gruesome cross.
    But seriously, I can just see this scenario forming an entire sit-com episode. Phoebe from friends or Basil Fawlty could play your part. Tee hee
