Thursday 22 December 2011

heaven, revisited

a couple of friends and I watched this recently - myself for the umpteenth time, the ladeez for the first time. the deep swoon that ensued was complete. I maintain .. despite all the gorjus flicks seen since first discovering this jewel .. that it's one of the best films ever made. while your love stories are thick on the ground, soulmates rarely get a look in. and even when they do, they're usually all treacle and yearning ... twilight style. this is soulmate discovery for grown ups. no yearning, no mooning (full, eclipsed, or otherwise), no Crazy Wild Sex (there is wild sex, but the setting adds the wild, not the sweat), just complete and galvanizing realisation of something so profound that it transcends the most awful and terminal of events. no happy ending, but the most beautiful ending imaginable.


  1. Never seen it...but you've piqued my interest..cheers t=for the tip.

  2. oh she's a beauty, wilmsical. top drawer stuff. and possibly one of Our Cate's best gigs.

  3. meh - I like endings for my flicks.
