Wednesday 7 December 2011

a wander down memory lane

as you biscuits might be aware, smokey and I have spent a fair bit of time of late cavorting in amidst the uh-mericans over in that other place. smokey has changed his clobber once or twice, and might be a bit hard to find, such is the way of our inhouse PR dept. I'm still in the same underpants. anyhoo ... where was I?


  1. hey, i'm a member over there!
    Havent posted much if at all.
    Will go hunt y'all down if I can.
    Keep lobbying the yanks to come play here, meanwhile...

  2. will do, wilms. meanwhile, drop in if you can. there are some interesting lifeforms :)

  3. btw,
    just been looking at our stats. We had nearly 180 (179, actually) hits from the USA - today (tues 13th). Why? you lot over at your other site shooing them all over? Doesnt seem to be any pertikler post. Just a great big pile of site views.
