Monday 5 December 2011


'another year' I generally steer well clear of 'autumn years' subject matter, because ... well, just because. and because I don't want to spend my limited ennertainment budget on watching codgers codgitate on what little remains of their lives. and I certainly don't want to a) watch, nor b) think about, codgers with their juices up. so you can imagine my reticence about picking this one up this past weekend. still, something about the cast, or the packarging, or some other small voicey thing pushed me past the "DON'T GO THERE" onboard alert system. and wasn't I glad that happened? yes I was :). a loverly mike leigh flick, yes, about codgers .. but these codgers are only gently so (mid 60's) and are ex-hippies so all's well. no codger sex, neither, thank the saints. a gorgeously wrought character piece well worth the trouble. 9/10. will stick a toob trailer atop this blurb.


  1. damn. just picked up a couple of weeklies for the hols. next time.

  2. say, where you been?

  3. Jim Broadbent would have to be one of my most loved screen presences. Thanks for this, Darthy; I'll look it up.
    If you ever have a chance, meanwhile, grab a copy of 'Iris' (and a box of tissues). Another codger flick, this time with beautiful Jim Broadbent and the astonishing Judi Dench (Kate Winslet does wonderfully as well). Story of Brit novelist Iris Murdoch and her husband during her decline due to Alzheimers. much much more worth watching than that quick plot synopsis would give you to believe...
