Sunday 18 December 2011


Hey, this is gorgeous. The Wallace and Grommit folk had a bit to do with it. Very funny, very fast paced. Just when you think the US were the last word on good animation with Toy Story 3....voiceovers from Hugh Laurie (Steve) and the ever present and adorable Jim Broadbent (Santa) are almost upstaged by Bill Nighy (Grand Santa) and Imelda Staunton (Mrs Santa). Its not a case of taking kids to a kids movie and coping, you'll have lots of fun yourself with this one. Sis and I took 5 kids including an 18 month old and a 2 year old. We sat at the back of the cinema, earning the gratitude of the rest of the patrons, and our 5 year olds fought with each other all the way through....they loved it. Go, have fun :D


  1. Thanks for the tip. I'll be looking for an outing to get the kids out of the house while some secret xmas business is going on, and I do have a little crush on Bill Nighy...

  2. sounds like a winner, wilmsical!

    ta for the red hot.
