Monday 5 December 2011

everyone? anyone?


  1. here me dear. sore throat. Spent the best part of the day lying on an acupuncturists table making like a pincushion, and arranging childcare and travel around aforesaid acupuncture. Y'all passed thru me thoughts whilst in transit....I have several posts awaiting but the time to put them down...

  2. oh poo, wilmsical. a pox on sore throats. as it were. was the pincushionery for same? if so, did it work?

  3. glad to hear I passed through your pain transit. I'm on the assessment home run - back here very soon.

  4. I'll have you know I've been checking my electric letters daily in the hopes of hearing news from alaska, but apart from a little spam and a smokey pokey or two, nuffink :(
