Tuesday 13 December 2011


yesterday ... and yeah I know this is totally not kosher, but he made me do it ... the toolkit and I ventured into the nearest "fruit" superstore. you see toolsworth had privately workshopped the idea of podding our spawn this festivus - much to my quell horreueueuer and surprise. the whole setup is designed with one thing in mind ... brainwashing. get 'em hard, and get 'em young, should be their motto. the minute you trepidatiously crossed the threshold, wondering all the while if indeed you really want to enter a place so patently and slickly designed to confound the over 25s and delight the under 15s, a red clad under 25 bounds up to you with an ear to ear grin and carries on like a right pork chop .. just as though he was your BFF fo-eva! I found myself wanting to scream back at our red fool, my frown as fierce as his grin, "WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BACK OFF!" instead I smiled politely and pretended I couldn't speak english. in other words, left him to toolshed. the minute he bounded off I muttered all sorts of colourfuls in the general direction of the co-parent, to the effect that none of it was worth the sheer pain of being in such a place. have any of you been into one of these dens of craziness? there is no 'counter', nor cash registers, nor any sign of any sort of moneyed transaction being possible or indeed, wanted. they go to huge lengths to make it seem almost as though it's just friends exchanging gizmos and 'learning together'. there are plenty of apparent 'workstations', and get this ... no seats. anywhere. just bank after bank of stand up tables covered with tethered fruit. and of course, 40,000 glassy eyed nerds. I hated it, with sugar on top. sorry steve.


  1. fruit workstations?
    I aint been to no fruit workstations in these here hills, darthy. Aint no one tethering me to no piece of fruit. We used to have Chris and Marie nearby in Emerald, but the rest of the shopkeepers got jealous, because everytime Chris and Marie ran their cheap ads with Chris jumping out from behind bare rooted trees in a tutu and Marie peeking naked from behind a rosebush, Emerald would be inundated with cars on weekends. So the rest of the shopkeepers complained to the council and Chris and Marie got kicked out of Emerald. Hang on; you're all interstate. You may not have the pleasure of Chris and Marie. Will post an old ad to sort things out pronto. Meanwhile darthy, i hope you recovered. Are you brainwashed? Will the podding take place?

  2. :) Awesome Darthie Awesome! :)

  3. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

  4. it is, but oranges are juicier :D

    unpodded, wilms. on account of the awfulness of it all. not to mention the pesos ...

    thanks, picklebrains :)
