Saturday 24 March 2012

Oh Queensland

Sigh. I liked Anna. Granted, I dont live there. But her 'we are Queenslanders' schtick was orright. And more importantly she wasnt an Abbot lover Crikey, Qlnders. Youve even handed Bob 'mad as batshit' Katter another seat, I think. Not that we can talk. Fancy voting out Brumby for Ballieau. Hummph


  1. I guess the people didn't like Anna selling off granny's heirlooms to cash converters. Who'd have guessed it?

  2. well, and fair enough too.
    Ted's murmuring about doing the same here in Vicky. So that pertickler disease infects both sides of the house, I'm afraid.
    Mebbe now he sees the terrible mutiny that befell the once mighty Bligh he'll think agaon......
