Friday 30 March 2012


watched this one last night.  superbly done friendship piece that takes you on an unexpected and completely involving ride.  within minutes you're glassy eyed and in movie-goers' trance, not realising you've haven't changed positions for the past hour until your legs start aching.  be warned, it's loooooong.  again, though, you don't realise how long until it's over and you're suffering from extended sittage :p.  having said that, there are several moments I absolutely hated, but in the broad sweep of the thing I suppose they don't matter. 

tears, laughs, all the usual suspects.  a big-chillesque (and it is HIGHLY derivitive of that wonderful flick - though at the same time entirely different) and deeply satisfying romp through and around the human condition.


  1. I had this one circled in the brochure, but our local decided not to stock it. They don't go much for foreign fillums around this way.

  2. .And its French!
    Alors! Looks good.

  3. it's triffic, it roolly is. and the dude who plays Max (he of the beach house .. the middle aged chap) is astonishingly good. dunno who he is, but he needs to have an oscar .. tout sweet!

  4. I'm gonnna look into that mail delivery DVD service. They might have some of your more exotic recommendations.

  5. Now that I'm au fait with itunes hiring, I nabbed this one on your advice. Mon Dieu! That Max! Now there's a bloke I could not holiday with. I DID enjoy the fillum, & note the following, (in totally jumbled outporing):
    - how do they know each other? Max is 20 years older than the rest, and mentions he's known Vincent for 15 years - so while the others may have colleged together (Big Chill style) how does Max fit in?
    - who can cabin fever with 12 others for 4 weeks? E personalities they all must be - gaining energy from social interraction rather than spending energy. It exhausts me just to weekend with others.
    - Did you hear Melbourne's now defunct JET in the opening night club scene?
    - I liked the helmet closet in the night club - very mod.
    - A bloke should NEVER admit to a crush on a mate. Even in kissy Fronce - sacrebleu!
    - How does Marie fit into all of this? Obviously, the blokes are all mates - Max, Vincent, Antoine, Eric, Ludo. Marie seems to be in the circle of mates, but all the other WAGS are just brought along to clear the dishes.
    - Antoine needs his head kicked in. How can Juliette not find him the most irritating mansook that ever lived?
    - I'll bet you were crushing big time on musicman Franck, eh? Aguichant!
    - I must try that rice trick.
    - There's so much smoking in these foreign fillums! cough.
    - Aren't French names just so much cooler? I'm calling my next kid Jean-Louis. But I'll have to live in Fronce to avoid bogan pronounciation.
    - Weasels - who'd have known they are the Fronch equivalent of possums?
    - Liked the 60s retro music, but it smellt the place up as a Big Chill wannabe. Could have done with any other music really.
    - Merci Buckets!

  6. p.p.s - and in what parallel world are toddlers better behaved than obstreperous, petulant & histrionic grown ups?
