Sunday 12 June 2011

Review: Angry Boys

.......oh dear. I'm watching this series with increasing dismay...Chris Lilley is becoming unfunnier than I imagined possible.
Major, major issues with SMouse.There is nothing funny about this SMouse character. Nothing. The sharp socio cultural observations that are the signature of Lilley's characters are missing. His attempt at an american accent is poor- not poor funny, either. Chris, Chris, what are you doing maaaaaate? Weeks now, weeks of wasted tv space, with Lilley doing a really bad impersonation, and a boring story line about a boring talentless american rapper who uses his house arrest to make bad music. If this is a metaphor for Lilley's relationship with his US backers, then shiit. I never thought it would come to this. Now if Lilley had created a character about an Australian inner city muso at rehearsals or in the studio or gigging at the pub I might be giggling. Might. My faith in Pope Lilley's infallibility has been disintegrated by the amount of airtime this SMouse character is being given.
....I can see Lilley's general thread of themes, and as a non-boy who is occasionally angry, I'm occasionally entertained by them: according to this series, smelly boys talk about wee and poo a lot and they use their urine and excrement to mark out their territory- on their brother and on their brother's bed, on police cars, in their music and at the beach. One boy with a scary mother doesnt get to wee or poo; Jen intuits the relationship between boys and scatology, and so she controls Tims farts as well as his sexuality (plus she makes and sells lots of crap in his name, etc etc..). Boys have claustrophobic relationships with the women in their lives. There's a lot of claustrophobic interiors- boys are in jail, in house arrest, in small farmhouses and Tokyo flats, and the boys dont seem have a sense of belonging in any of these interiors. Boys like playing with toys like surfboards, skateboards, cars and music studios, and they mark out their territory with their toys, too. Women are controlling mothers or mother figures, including wives and girlfriends. Smelly boys are angry about being controlled, so they wee, poo, swear, fight and think about pharquing (but not as much as they think about wee and poo, it seems). Um. Thats it so far. Occasionally entertaining.
So....where's it all going, Chris Lilley? Five weeks and barely a sniff of narrative above all of that excrement. Maybe Daniel & Nathan's Legends party will see them all come together. Maybe Tim will unite with his family and they'll kill Jen by shoving one of her gaystyle products into a pristine orifice, leaving Tim to skateboard off into the wide world to pick up girls. Maybe we've had to put up with all of that SMouse rubbish so now you can focus on the characters you've created who have a decent shot at being funny. Maybe, maybe.....


  1. ...the pressure of being funny - on demand.

    I'm no fan of SMouse either. Not funny, not clever, & totally missable.

  2. yea, yeah and yeah!
    And I dont mind if Lilley's not laugh-a-second funny. Just as long as he's good....
