Wednesday 29 June 2011


We were 18, I was living at home with my parents and he (lets just call him Fitzroy Boy)was living with 2 mates. He was in a band and I wanted to be in night after we'd all been jamming in the lounge for hours and SMOKING (sorry Betty), everyone else went to bed, and Fitzroy Boy and I sat up and put on the Go Betweens. Talked and talked and talked and.. I think we listened to 'Right Here' 3 times before we ended up singing along and kissing....we lasted about 6 weeks and then he broke my heart. We broke up with The Church playing 'Unguarded Moment' in the background.....I wrote a lot of crap poetry, moved out of home, started playing in bands...
I cant belieeeeeve the Go Betweens came in so far down the JJJ chart. They were one of the best things around in the mid 80s. Amanda Brown was so cool....Fitzroy Boy was hot for Amanda. I wished I was blond and played violin like Amanda...


  1. That's the wonderful thing about living a rebellious youth. The more pashing, drinking, dancing & dreaming that's done, the more settled your middle years can be.

  2. Did you know the new bridge in Brissy was named the "Go Between" in honour of the band?

    It's got a bluddy toll on it, mind you.

  3. Yeah, some good bands came out of Brisbane back then, and some good boys out of Fitzroy :)

  4. ahhh ... the go betwixts :)

    now I'll think of you having life altering pashathons every time I hear that song, wilms!

    and 'unguarded moment', omigoddy, I believe I had a pashathon at a church gig during that very song! mind you, if I can't recall details it can't have been life altering :p

    not sure about your theory, betts - on the wild and misspent yooth. dunno it's a hard and fasty, that rool. misspent yooth can just as easily lead to a misspent mid life. likewise a settled and dull yooth can lead to a dull and settled mid life. somink in between might be the go, do ya think? since I'm yet to reach middle age, I can't speak from personal experience :p

  5. @ Betty: the 'Go Between' is a very cute name for a bridge. I hope the toll makes more money than the band ever did....
    @ jonesy: yes indeedy, there were some great Brissy bands. There were some great bands!Better than now, I believe....more melody, less autotune. And tho I love funky stuff, I miss that 80s/90s indi, and there may have been some good boys in Fitzroy but I didnt know them :D
    @ Buttdarthy: yes, i suppose it was life altering- tho I never realised till I wrote all that down now and i look back- that moment was certainly a catalyst for me. I guess he was the mirror I needed at the time, hey? There are other stories, but since this site is (semi) anonymous and the peeps in my tales are all alive, kicking and i dont want them to kick me......................................

  6. My theory is one that's good for the goose, but not the goslings, Mrs Sidious.
    And as far as the bridge collecting coinage, Mrs Rubble, seeing as there are 4 free bridges across the Brissy River, this one's a bit of a dud.

  7. yes indeedy, the goslings!
