Saturday 12 March 2011

We begin

Hello hello? Betty? Darthy? PRP? BIQ?
I'm looking around frantically for emoticons...cant see emoticons... there are a pile of optional gadgets for this thing so maybe someone (ahem...join me...) can work it out or add something funky.
Well, this will be making fascinating reading for anyone chancing upon this blog...BTW, we can privatise this so only members can read it, or we can be readable by ferny and anyone else if we wish. What say ye?
I'm sitting here at 5.30am, having been driven out of bed by Kid B. He wakes, he wont settle. Stick him in bed with hubble and he settles down to Daddy's snoring. I get the couch.It's worth it
Anyways. Hope you join me. I'm back to the couchxxx

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