Tuesday 15 March 2011

print "hello world"

hello world


  1. I will never tire of that...

  2. You're not going to read us some of your special home grown poetry now, are you?

  3. wha...t will you never tire of, smokey?

  4. print "hello world"

    Usually the first computer program a person learns to program... surely it must be one of the most frequently used introductions to a forum and must be such a worn out tired cliche... that is why I like it!

  5. nup. still don't get it.

    the only thing it conjurs in my buttocks is a godawful theme song from a kids' abc1 show. I think it might be 'saddle club'. argggghhh!

  6. reminds me of John Laws.

  7. you have that song in your head now, dontcha betty? :D

  8. ...well teh thing is... when a person takes up first year computer programming they are surprised that they can learn how to program in the first three minutes of the lecture... what the lecturer does is opens up a Python shell (free download if you want to program) and types in the command - print "hello world" - this instruction is code for the computer program to print - hello world. Which is the first computer program most programmers write.

    The way I figure it, every nerd that has ever taken a computing course will print the words - print "hello world" - as an introduction to themselves on an internet forum, so much so, that it must be such an outdated and painful cliche, i.e. why I like it so much!

  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PRP
    good to see you, me old chatbot.

  10. I'm going to use this (print Hello World) as a pick up line at the next night club I go to.
    Wish me luck!
