Tuesday 22 March 2011

Julia Gillard...

Thought for the Day:
Apparently Julia Gillard believes gay marriage is against her upbringing, see here, but if you are like me and cannot be bothered clicking links, here is the story;
"Ms Gillard said she was "on the conservative side" of the gay marriage issue "because of the way our society is and how we got here".

"I think that there are some important things from our past that need to continue to be part of our present and part of our future," she said. "If I was in a different walk of life, if I'd continued in the law and was partner of a law firm now, I would express the same view, that I think for our culture, for our heritage, the Marriage Act and marriage being between a man and a woman has a special status.

"Now, I know people might look at me and think that's something that they wouldn't necessarily expect me to say, but that is what I believe.

"I'm on the record as saying things like I think it's important for people to understand their Bible stories, not because I'm an advocate of religion - clearly, I'm not - but once again, what comes from the Bible has formed such an important part of our culture."

Ms Gillard said she had a "pro-union, pro-Labor upbringing in a quite conservative family, in the sense of personal values"."


  1. I s'pose this means she and the barber will get hitched ... the dirty sinners.

  2. That is right, and Julia should not be allowed to vote, let alone be the prime minister, I wonder if Julia and hubby will be getting any slaves, or have a few of the convicts from Port Arthur tend her gardens. She will then need to kick out all the indigenous Australians drinking in the white man's pubs and reintroduce the white Australian policy etc etc

    Hey! Check the poll at the bottom of the page...

  3. well that's all good news! especially that last bit.

    she might also like to think about getting her hands on a good support bra. too much bouncing during glad-handing on foreign shores. it's not very diplomatic.

  4. say .... how'd you do that darthie thing up there?

  5. I went to design and pressed a few buttons, I also added a pageview counter, yay me...!

  6. yay you! but ... can you get rid of it now?

    the darthyism, I mean :D

  7. we're getting too clever, for blogging Newbies!

  8. Marriage Act 1961 states, "marriage is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered for life".
    So they can overlook the "for life", the "exclusion of all others", but not the "man & a woman". hmm.
    Call me cynical, but I think it has something more to do with tax deductions, superannuation & social security than family values.

  9. exactly, which is even more reason to check out my poll!

  10. @Buttocks... whoopsidoodle, the comment has been removed by the moderators, thanks mods!

  11. she's driving me nuts. What a carry on. Talk about making the rules up as you go along.
