Wednesday 23 March 2011

Rebecca Black - Friday (OFFICIAL VIDEO). OMG.


  1. I really appreciate music that helps our teens enhance their cerebral cortex's.

  2. I watched Family Guy last night... episode about the clever dog who lost his passion for his former girlfriend who was cerebrally disadvantaged yet ends up with one of "these"^, turns out though that the girl happens to be more refined and intelligent then the dog, which makes him pine for his lost love...

    ...which brings me to my thought for the day... much fame/money would you require to act dumb...?

  3. none, apparently


  4. I'd need a whole lot of incentive to act purposefully dumb.
    I unintentionally act dumb for free

  5. I would need at least one of those vespa scooters and five minutes per week on a 2.00PM radio talkback show...

  6. You should host your own Talkback show, Smoko! We could be the nutty, regular callers.

  7. On second thoughts, talkback shows are just a forum for whingers, and we are constitutionally opposed to whinging. It's in our Memorandum and Articles of Association.
