Monday 21 March 2011


I like 'em. been listening to a variety of elderly ditties on my rounds this am. can't do while kiddies in car as they scoff and mock at anything remotely resembling a warble or a falsetto - as kiddies are wont. ditto the hoprey. kids become apoplectic. up goes the volume at 9.05am every monday. "have you seen but a white lily grow?" la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaa


  1. I too can go a madrigal!
    Have you found yerself any Hildegard Von Bingen?
    10th/11th century. Ran herself an Abbey, was a doctor/researcher of sorts and a songwriter. Spoke to spirits.
    Get into Hildy....feminist AND madrigalish...well, polyphonic anyways..(a bit earlier, maybe, by several centuries..and madrigals arent religious, and Hildy most defo is), but you'll love her.
    Any madrigals in particular catching your ear?

  2. checking her out now, funk soul bruvva!

    I like many a maddy, wilms. all the yewshall suspects and some besides. I'm singing the aforementioned this week ... the lily song, by the splendid bob johnson. such gorjus lyrics, which is not always what you get with your maddies.
