Tuesday 15 March 2011

Jane Austen at her desk

Good morning, ladies!
I hope PRP decides to join us in some guise or another, or this blog will look a little like this.....
I've emailed him, but if darthy wants to lobby, she may have more luck.
Some basic housekeeping:
We're all administrators (meaning the old ten forwardites). You may have found this but if not: when you go to post or edit you'll get a pile of tabs: Comments, Settings, Monetise, Stats.
Here's my basic opine of each:
1. Comments: as DaisyBetty mentioned, its handy that we get to comment on posts under the posts, hey? If we ever get other members we can keep an eye on comments
2. Settings: have a look. I think this is about choosing who gets to see this. If we all want to go Asio, thats cool, but I think others might enjoy chancing upon us...
3. Design: have a play around. I chose the swirly background we have at the mo. It can be changed  as often as anyone wishes to change it.
4: Monetise:  people actually make money off these things. But I dont think we're selling anything at the mo....

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't look half so difficult as I'd imagined.
    Now what shall we write about?
    "It is a truth universally acknownledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
